The Journey Back to My True Identity – Walt Heyer & Kathy Grace Duncan  – IOTW Report

The Journey Back to My True Identity – Walt Heyer & Kathy Grace Duncan 

Walt Heyer and Kathy Grace Duncan share their transgender journeys — Walt lived as a woman for 8 years, Kathy Grace lived as a man for 11 years.

Walt describes how his sexual identity confusion began very early due to a grandmother who made him a purple evening dress plus sexual abuse from a family member. Walt began identifying as a woman as a way to be safe and affirmed. Kathy Grace observed how her father abused her mother, and decided she’d rather be a man; worthy and strong, rather than weak like her mother. She started living a double-identity life before Kindergarten.

Walt and KathyGrace describe how God began to intervene in their lives, and how pastors and churches offered them help to transition back to their biological sex. Both Walt and KathyGrace share powerful transformational stories about how God healed them. They also discuss how normalizing and affirming people who experience gender confusion ignores the underlying wounds and disorders they are experiencing. WATCH

PART 2 is here

10 Comments on The Journey Back to My True Identity – Walt Heyer & Kathy Grace Duncan 

  1. having worked and delt with many gay and “trans” persons, after a full and honest
    review of their past is done, each and every one of the ones i worked with was able to identify the point, and incident where they chose to become gay or to identify as trans.
    i am convinced that gay and trans is a choice and not something you are born with.

  2. I agree xtron.
    I have a couple of cousins who I watched make the decisions to be homosexuals for various reasons.
    The doctors who mentally and physically abuse and mutilate these lost souls should be arrested and castrated.

  3. @Xtron: What you say I believ3 is true. Homosexuality has been around since the beginning or sometime after it. Bible says that God gave them over to it. I thank the Lord every day that I’m not caught up in that personal destruction of myself. Thank the Lord right now that you aren’t either. If you understand The Word, we shouldn’t be shocked at anything that goes against God’s word. It just means we’re getting closer to the end.

  4. wouldn’t their ‘true identity’ be the person that they are? Now, that is. How they got to that point, I don’t know, but their claiming themselves to be someone other than who they presently are is just more identifying’. That is what got them into their present situation.
    It is good though, that they are speaking out, and perhaps they will cause others to not do what they have done.

  5. Here is a map of the states and other U.S. jurisdictions that ban conversion therapy:

    Note the general similarity to a political party map.

    I’ve been thinking about homosexuality, including so-called “transgenderism” and the rest of the abnormal alphabet in the light of other disorders (mental illness and addictions, mainly).

    Those who champion transgenderism want to cut off any hope of exploring a return to normalcy for those who suffer from abnormal sexuality.

    Imagine the hellscape for families if their loved ones were unable to connect with Alcoholics Anonymous and forge a lasting sobriety. The success of AA is in one’s admission of a stronger and wiser power – God. Read the 12 Steps, it’s the first one.

    There are so many comparisons to be made of drug/alcohol addiction and the desire to pursue abnormal sexuality. Chief among them is the idea that some people are “just born that way”; that genetics dictate the kind and quality of their entire life — they are doomed to the bondage of their lot.

    “Love is Love”? Imagine telling someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol that their love for drugs or alcohol is “all good” if it fills that God-shaped hole in them.

    In every jurisdiction shown on the linked map, it is illegal for anyone to talk to a sexually confused person about living a normal, satisfying life without giving in to their “confusion”. It is illegal to talk with them about the healing power of God.

    Much more to say, but you get the idea.

  6. Mutilating mentally disordered children -and adults- is an act of deliberate evil. It isn’t anything else, and cannot be anything else, no matter how many words are spilled in sophistry to the defense of the practice.

    All the varieties of queers are mentally disordered in their own ways. They are directly related to the non-queer sexual defectives in society. Rapists, pedophiles of all the nasty sorts, asexuals, and etcetera. The defectives whose disorders are profound enough to interfere with reproduction are the deviation at which nature draws an invisible line, whether we do or not.


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