Tucker Carlson Breaks Interviews Andrew Tate for Over 2 Hours  – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Breaks Interviews Andrew Tate for Over 2 Hours 

Tate Tells His Romanian Arrest Story and How the US Embassy Was Not Interested in Getting Him Out (VIDEO).

13 Comments on Tucker Carlson Breaks Interviews Andrew Tate for Over 2 Hours 

  1. ok, I forget … is Tate supposed to be the millennial Julian Assange?

    I realize this guy has somehow pissed off the New World Order somehow, so they slapped him w/ some bogus charges … like they did to Assange …

    but …. maybe that’s why I should care

    enlightenment’s a bitch

  2. It is 100% about shutting down his message. He is immensely popular with young guys who are not willing to be told what opinions they can have. I haven’t put a lot of effort into researching Andrew Tate, but have sampled interviews he’s done and a small number of his podcasts. My inclination is that there is a clear demarcation between what he says and what is said he said or what others say he has said.

  3. after looking at the charges against Tate (& his brother), if true, he should hang by his cock & balls until they rip off

    …. the same sentence I would pronounce on the Biden’s …. if true

    & who does not doubt the Biden’s are guilty? … c’mon, line up … state your case …. I got all night

  4. If you are unsure if you want to invest a couple hours in this interview, I’ve gotten through a bit and can recommend that starting at 34 minutes and listening for five or six minutes will give a good sample of what the guy impresses me as being about. I find him interesting in as much watching him generally stimulates deeper thought. I don’t consider myself a follower of the guy, but then again I don’t tend be one who desires to permanently hitch my cart to any one horse. I kind of jump around, find someone who provokes me to thought, has a message that I find worthy of consideration and look for more from them until my curiosity is satisfied and then become more focused on someone else. Most times I’m interested in three or maybe up to seven or so people’s take on things.

    Some people tend to be more one track minded than I am and that to me is a recipe for becoming a cultist, that is if I think about it, fortunately for me I’m just not that way.

  5. Millennials, or something, like, you know like, like retards, and shit.

    I remember a recent youtube about how special and erudite millennials are.

    I did work with them, or rather I had to do simple shit for them because they are useless. Does that make me the retard? I don’t know. I did get paid, though.

    We had facsimile machines on the PBX where you had to dial “9” to get outside dialtone. They were properly labeled, “DIAL 9 for off-PBX”

    I thought that was succinct. But I had questions of what a facsimile machine is…

    And they screamed when the copiers got bound up (Gee, that’s hard!), and ink.

    I had an EMERGENCY job one time. 9-1-1! STAT! The fucking apple shitbox editing thing on the 3rd floor WOULDN’T BOOT UP!



    It wasn’t plugged into power. Some queer was playing footsies with the power plug and kicked it out.

  6. @ Brad AT 12:44 AM

    I’d been hearing about him, but wasn’t moved to look deeper until I saw who was lining up against him. That told me that government, the Deep State, Academia, Big Media and the rest of the usual suspects all recognized him as a threat. That was a pretty good indication that he is onto something and that something threatens their hegemony. That being obviously the case….

  7. Jordan Peterson gives basically the same message.
    Boys should be allowed to be boys and men should behave like men.
    He’s being persecuted in his home country of Canada.
    Although Peterson doesn’t think men should be promiscuous any more than women should be and Peterson isn’t a muslim.


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