Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: ‘As much as it takes, as long as it takes’ – IOTW Report

Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: ‘As much as it takes, as long as it takes’


On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed attendees at the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Latvia. On behalf of Canada, he vowed to support Ukraine “with as much as it takes, for as long as it takes.”

He later said that it may take “years” to successfully end the war and accept Zelensky‘s bid to join NATO.

“One of the messages that we want to continue to send directly to Vladimir Putin,” Trudeau said, “is that Canada will be there for Ukraine alongside our other allies with as much as it takes, for as long as it takes.” more

29 Comments on Trudeau pledges endless support for war in Ukraine: ‘As much as it takes, as long as it takes’

  1. It’ll end after Zelensky has suspended elections (in a “democracy”) because of the war and crowns himself eternal leader so the laundered money can freely flow “for as long as it takes” for their offshore accounts to fill to maximum capacity.

  2. What a disgusting piece of shit. I’d call him a lily-livered pants-wetting coward but that would be unfair and insulting to lily-livered pants-wetting cowards.

  3. Pretty obvious that he’s getting a substantial cut, just like the Bidens.
    Just a shame that there’s no LE in Canukistan to look into his finances.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Hundreds of billions in cash and armaments, and no accounting of where it’s going.”

    meanwhile taxpayers will get a new asshole for a $600 transaction

  5. If Trudeau is as smart as they say and has all the right answers, he should go fight the Russians, no doubt he can dodge anything they shoot at him. The war would be ended in a few weeks. Smart SOB that he implies.

  6. All I know is I advocated for the annexation of canadaland years ago to head this shit off.

    Not my fault north america is full of pussies.

  7. All these “democratically elected” leaders pledging eternal support for the green goblin’s war are hoping that they can play proxy army for years and retire without having to take the “L”, but I got news for them: Time is not on their side, and there will be no stalemate.

    It’s going to get ugly in some Western capitals. In fact, it already has gotten ugly. Have you noticed how “France on Fire” just dropped in the media’s black hole when everybody got to Vilnius? I wonder if Macron is still stoked for the Forever War in Ukraine.

  8. jellybean,

    He won a boxing match against a Conservative Appointed Senator who smoked 2 pack a day, drank a lot, had a coke problem & was Native Indian.

    It was TELEVISED and at that point I knew the Fuck-tards would make him prime minister.

    GOOGLE: Patrick Brazeau

    toss in some Domestic assault, fiancial shit, & a few other wonderful things.
    I personally think it was a set up. No one knew what a fuck up Patrick was or who he was before.

  9. Fuck yaeh I’d take canadaland. No one said anything about granting them statehood or citizenship.

    Fuck, tons of storage space up there.


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