Anchor Brewery in San Francisco Closing its Doors After 127 Years – IOTW Report

Anchor Brewery in San Francisco Closing its Doors After 127 Years

GP: Over the past several months, we have covered the closure of numerous businesses in San Francisco, but this one has to hurt the people who live there the most of all.

Anchor Brewery has been a fixture in San Francisco for well over a hundred years and now they’re shutting down.

This is one case where it is primarily not about crime, drugs and homelessness. The brewery was deeply hurt by the closure of bars and restaurants during the pandemic. They were actually having trouble before that, but the pandemic sealed their fate. read more

21 Comments on Anchor Brewery in San Francisco Closing its Doors After 127 Years

  1. That’s too bad, it’s good beer. They gave a few reasons for their money woes, plandemic, competition, but they failed to acknowledge that they unionized in the last 3-4 years. Hard to imagine that helped.

  2. Let’s face facts. ALL, ALL! of the business closings are attributed to Democrat policies. Whether it’s mandatory government shutdown of businesses during the Dempanic or the homeless drug infested streets or the failure to enforce basic laws so businesses had to shutter because they were being stolen blind.

    I read of a popular eatery in SF is shuttering after many years. Owner has had enough.

    You own ALL of this Democrats.

  3. They have an excellent product. Probably the original “Craft Beer”. Their market is not JUST San Fransisco. They’re very popular with restaurants that sell their beer as a premium beer. Every grocery store chain sells their beer. Safeway sells their beer. I think all of them. This is a reflection of poor management. And yes the union was probably the last nail in the coffin. Those guys have a shit load of loyal customers. I hope somebody buys them up a saves the product. I think I’ll buy Safeway out on the way home tonight.
    I read these stories and I don’t get this shit. They had the product, they had the market. And you’re going broke? If they raised the price of their beer 15% I bet they’d lose less than 1 percent of their market.

  4. I guess the omniscient @anonymous forgot ‘two weeks to stop the spread’, as was the advice from St Anthony of Fauci
    It was the best advice advice available at the onset of the biological disease the chicoms launched against the world.

    Two weeks wouldn’t have been too detrimental.

    But the Democrats seized the opportunity to shut down everything as a means of dominance, control of the general population and to allow them to jigger the 2020 election. Never let a crisis go to waste- Rahm Emanuel.

    Now go back to mommy’s basement. Don’t bother me anymore shrimp dick.

  5. ^^^^Anonymous AT 3:35 PM Your buttboy Biden expanded the lockdowns, exempted congress from shots, went after parents, started a war, forced the military to be jabbed, took away jobs if you didn’t, massively expanded every government police force, created a debt that will destroy the future….I could go on. Take a hike and maybe look for your brain that fell out somewhere.

  6. ^^^^ Anonymous @ 4:24 pm is a troll, in fact all anonymous are trolls. Among some butt hurt small dicks too, they usually complain the most to make up for having a small micro dick.

  7. The blame doesn’t go just to Faussi, Biden, Trump, Democrats, Republicans. I blame the stewardess that said I was drinking my coffee to slowly on the plane, I blame the owner of the local grocery store who said I had to wear a mask inside his store. I blame the Karen who said “Where is your mask?”.

  8. But but but I thought they helped build that city on rock and roll.

    Nah I’m just jerkin’ yer chain. That town officially sucked when the last jazz station went off the air years ago. Imagine, San Francisco lost interest in Jazz?

    Towns got no soul and zero class

  9. @I blame them all.

    I’ll never forget when I was staying at a small hotel casino in the small town of Pahrump NV during the dempanic. I went there because my mother was dying and the excruciating flight from Richmond Virginia to Las Vegas was a total suck.

    I went down to the lobby at 6am and sat by myself in an empty casino drinking coffee. It was early their time. I had a security person come up to me to chastise me for not wearing a mask. In an empty casino.

    I blew her off.

    When government deputized lowly casino guards into their Stasi I feared it would be permanent and many went along.

  10. Headman oftheirproduct! many times. All Good!msad. Almost as sad as when the lawyers killed larraburu. 71 years ago not only the best bred in San ‘Fran; but the best in America. What wonderful bread! What awful lawyers!

    When we wereypung I introduced my wife (S0 Cal only) to both Frisco and great bread. She agreed it was great and every time I went to noCal zi had to bring her back kids did not think so much of it.Evenas kid zi loved alarrabru!

    Thanks for the link. Friscowasa great town 100 years ago!

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