Drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022 – IOTW Report

Drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022.

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert said after the Secret Service briefing Thursday on cocaine found July 2 at the White House that drugs have been found two other times since last year in the building. 

The Colorado lawmaker also confirmed that Secret Service officials said at the briefing the agency likely won’t find a suspect in connection to the cocaine discovery and that the probe will conclude Friday.

“There’s a list of more than 500 individuals that they looked into their backgrounds for prior drug records or use, and nothing was determined from from their analysis,” she said. “And the Secret Service is very eager to close this within the next couple of days.” read more

27 Comments on Drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

  1. As someone mentioned, if they can smuggle cocaine into the White House, they can smuggle in anthrax. A little random drug testing of WH staff might be in order.

  2. Uber Hookers: Can we help you?
    The Big Guy: I want to order a dozen assorted delivered pronto.
    The Smartest Guy he knows in the background: No Yellow damnit!
    The Big Guy’s wife in the background: Shut up you idiot, they aren’t for you this time.
    The Big Guy: Check with the Secret Service to arrange delivery and charge it to um, um um…
    The Big Guy’s Wife: How about Ending Childhood innoce… er Obesity?
    The Big Guy: They are for our super secret Ending Childhood program. No Lie.
    The Big Guy’s wife: Listen to me unless you want to sleep in a shitty diaper tonight, tell them to charge it to Ending Childhood Obesity
    The smartest guy he knows: No fat ones either!
    The Big Guy’s Wife: I said shut up or you aren’t getting any powdered sugar on your desert tonight
    Uber Hookers: OK, a dozen assorted, delivered to Ending Childhood Obesity in care of the Secret Service. We need a credit card to charge it to…

  3. You’d HAVE to be on drugs to work for that Retarded Pedophile Usurping Traitor.
    Judging by what comes out of that madhouse, I’d say they’re ALL on drugs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022”

    …its not unusual for abandoned homes to be used as drug dens and trap houses, and given that there’s been no legitimate president at The White House since 2020, well…

  5. The poor Secret Service Agent that call the HAZMAT team in. Of course the SS has known all along the drugs were there. Maybe the call was on purpose? And just like that, SS agent career is over

  6. WH: “A bag of white powder was found at the White House!”

    Media: [praying] “Please let it be ricin, please let it be—“

    WH: “It’s cocaine.”

    Media: “…..dammit….”

  7. Drugs pretty much explain the insanity coming out of the “White” house. Meanwhile secret service agents spouting the line’ These aren’t the druggies you have been looking for’, “May the Farce be With you”, Now go away.

  8. …Hunter Biden’s lawyers sent President Trump a cease and desist letter concerning his pointing out that the drugs were most likely Hunter’s.


    …which is not going to work because Hunter Biden is a public figure.

    …but what’s more interesting is what they DIDN’T do. IF President Trump said that they were Hunter Biden’s drugs, AND Hunter Biden’s lawyers wanted to argue that they were NOT Hunter Biden’s drugs, then what President Trump did would legally be Prima Facie Defamation, and prosecutable as such.

    “To prove prima facie defamation, a plaintiff must show four things: 1) a false statement purporting to be fact; 2) publication or communication of that statement to a third person; 3) fault amounting to at least negligence; and 4) damages, or some harm caused to the reputation of the person or entity who is the subject of the statement.”

    …since Hunter Biden’s lawyers did NOT do that, it’s at least suggestive that they are not sure those four requrirements can be met.

    And leave us not forget, that TRUTH is a valid defence against Prima Facie Defamation complaints.

    …which would certainly make for a REAL fun discovery phase…

  9. “The cocaine caper is going to be concluded without any outcome. No suspects, no resolution.”

    Who didn’t see that coming?

    It appears the “SS”, (Schutzstaffel, ᛋᛋ) “Protection Squadron” has protected the President, his son and the WH staff once more.

    Obviously the “SS” has differing criteria when it comes to laws and crimes involving the White House.

    Equal Protection under the law?
    Couldn’t be any further from the truth.
    Some are more equal than others.

  10. Anybody seen my cocaine? Probably left it in the White House. I lose dope there all the time.

    If it’s not there it’s possibly somewhere in the 1980s.

    But why not take a look. I mean, ANYBODY can walk through the White House with dope, gunz, hookers, whatever. Seems totally probable that I left it there in the restricted area of the West Wing where you need super tits clearance to get into.

    Simple series of 3000 deliberate mistakes and it could happen to anyone.

  11. Planted drugs. If those bags were dropped or fallen out of the pocket of a drug user they would have finger prints & DNA on them.
    They were wiped clean.

  12. Nothing new. I seem to remember hearing that Willie Nelson smoked weed on the roof of the White House with Jimmy Carter’s son. Probably not true, but believable for for the time period. Who knows how much drugs Elvis was carrying when he met Nixon there.

  13. Anon;
    Planted drugs. If those bags were dropped or fallen out of the pocket of a drug user they would have finger prints & DNA on them.
    They were wiped clean.

    Probably “wiped clean” right after they were discovered.
    ……Justin Case……

  14. “Secret Service officials said at the briefing the agency likely won’t find a suspect in connection to the cocaine discovery and that the probe will conclude Friday.”

    They were ORDERED not to find a suspect.

  15. Reminder, make sure to take your meds today before you go off the rails. PS, dumb shits, Hunter smokes or smoked crack, aka crackhead. That coke was from cokehead, Donny Jr. Go watch your Qanon cult movie about how they traffic kids for big bucks.

  16. My fingerprints and DNA are all over a white powdery substance.

    Especialy the fingerprints. Each one is super tiny because it’s on a single grain of cocaine. But there’s like 8 billion of them.

    There’s no planting of drugs by someone in the Biden admin to make the Biden admin look bad. It was all me. Fudge man, I’ve been cooking up cocaine rocks in the White House bowling alley since 2022. I just stroll in, jimmy a window and I’m in the White House.

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