Larry Kudlow on Hollywood Strike: “Who Cares?” – IOTW Report

Larry Kudlow on Hollywood Strike: “Who Cares?”

Gateway Pundit:

On Friday, Larry Kudlow spoke for millions during his opening commentary with his take on Hollywood going on strike….who cares?

Hollywood is going on strike. My first reaction is: Who cares? America is going to be the better for it. Ninety-five percent of their products are awful — bunch of left-wing drivel. They hate America. They’re completely woke. They were among the biggest supporters of the COVID shutdown and wanted to keep America shut down… long past the virus threat.

Let me quote from a tough article written by John Nolte of Breitbart: “Why would I mourn the shutdown of a multi-billion-dollar industry dedicated to hating me, grooming children, destroying my heroes, lying about my country, championing fascism and taking pride in wasting everyone’s precious time with a product that rarely rises to mediocre?” more

18 Comments on Larry Kudlow on Hollywood Strike: “Who Cares?”

  1. Kudlow’ s riff runs like mine. National strike against the commies. Lay down your tools deplorable working and productive people! Stop funding the insane degenerates who’ve stolen our politics and stop funding the fascist deep state. You know the shit’s hit the fan when Raytheon and Boeing are sponsoring the tranny/queer/drag/pedophile parades. End them! End the evil! Better a starving free man than an obese slave, especially a slave to degenerates such as Hollywood/academia/deep state/military industrial complex.

  2. @Uncle Al

    It does provide us with someone else to make fun of.

    Hollywood is a dying industry, not so much because of politics, although that is a factor, but mostly because their product does not provide good value.

    Now if only the college professors, journalists, and all media workers followed suit, wallowing in their own self-pity for not being appreciated and inflating their own worth to laughable levels of ridiculousness.

  3. A friend said we need shirts that say, “so what….who cares?” That would make a good sign too. Can you picture a bunch of people carrying signs that say that?

  4. The last movie we saw in a theater was Father Stu. Before that it was 1917. Before that I saw Midway by myself. Before that we both saw Dunkirk. The Darkest Hour was about the same time. You can see what kinds of films we see.

    When we saw Father Stu, the trailers were about how racist the country is or a rehash of an old TV show/movie franchise. I can’t tell you the last time we saw a trailer that made us say “Oh, we want to see that.” Probably The Book Thief and The King’s Speech — and they are both at least ten years

  5. Actors are going to get violent! Taking to Instagram, the viral video scrubbed from his social media called out, “The motherf*cker who said we’re gonna keep this thing going until people start losing their houses and their apartments.”

    “Listen to me, motherf*cker! There’s a lot of ways to lose your house. Some of it is financial, some of it is karma and some of it is just figuring out who the f*ck said that. And we know who said that and where he f*cking lives,” Perlman went on.

    So, it isn’t about acting, it’s about losing your idols, and status symbols. I think Perlman is serious about offing a few Hollyweirds.

  6. “Perlman still thinks he’s Clay Morrow…”

    I’ve told the story before about how that asshole got me kicked off Twitter for the third and final time. He was post some bull shit about Trump that was obviously left wing bull shit propaganda, so I called him on it. I might have called him an ignorant fuck. Next ting yo know he’s threatening to “Track Me Down And Beat My Ass”. So I posted back that I wasn’t exactly defenseless, was armed all the time, and that he was probably a hell of a lot easier to find then I was”.
    Gone. The community no longer loved me. I still follow him on IG. He is on the warpath.

  7. So I just watched GoldenFoxes video on the clown. Same thing he did to me really. I think I have one of those maps of the stars and a cigarette lighter. What a dumb ass.

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