Americans see economy as greatest threat to country: poll – IOTW Report

Americans see economy as greatest threat to country: poll

JTN- Americans on the whole appear to view internal problems facing the United States as greater threats to the country than international disputes or the prosect of war amid the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In the latest Scott Rasmussen National Survey, 22% of registered voters identified the economy as “the greatest threat to America.” A further 12% identified President Joe Biden and the Democrats while 5% said former President Donald Trump and the GOP. Nine percent said “America itself.”

Other prominent answers included guns/crime (8%), immigration (8%), and climate change (5%). Twelve precent identified “war/international” as the greatest threat.

The results seems to suggest that Americans are much more concerned with stateside matters and the administration and presidential candidates seek to bolster support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. more

12 Comments on Americans see economy as greatest threat to country: poll

  1. If a Republican is ever elected again the economy will explode. It is currently a rocket ship with all thrusters on, with a huge harness to hold it down. Nothing can match American ingenuity and work.
    That harness is regulations, preventing oil drilling, wokeness, and all in place by the administration.
    Hell, even if Christie were elected (as if) the economy would explode.

  2. Showing how stupid people are. The greatest threat to America is the weaponization of government and infiltration by the CCP. 87k irs agents. Every dept has a militarized swat(gestapo) team. WAKE UP. Doesn’t matter how much money you can make if the gov can take it on a whim.

  3. I won’t lie. I was more than disappointment with Trump’s interview with Maria Bartiromo. In fact when in came to the Uke my mouth dropped open. However no President has ever had a better understanding of economic policy. Particularly with trade. I hope General Flynn sits down with him and tries to explain Ukraine to him.

  4. The economy is an EFFECT of having corrupt, criminal, treasonous bastards in office – NOT a CAUSE.
    The failing economy is POLICY. A MEANS to an END. And that END is the dissolution of America.

    As usual, the hoi polloi get it backwards.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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