Jan. 6 defendant appeals to Supreme Court in case that could upend hundreds of riot charges – IOTW Report

Jan. 6 defendant appeals to Supreme Court in case that could upend hundreds of riot charges

The charge “is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent; it sets a terrifying precedent unworthy of this nation’s history,” Lang’s attorneys wrote.


Jan. 6 defendant Edward Jacob Lang is asking the Supreme Court to hear his challenge against one of the 11 charges he was indicted on – obstruction of an official proceeding – in a case that could upend legal proceedings against hundreds of other defendants indicted on charges related to the Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot. 

The obstruction charge could be levied against “anyone who attends at a public demonstration gone awry,” attorneys for Lang wrote in an appeal to the Supreme Court last week. The proceeding for which the charge was brought refers to the event where Congress certifies the Electoral College votes to confirm the president.

The charge “is nothing less than the weaponization of the penal code to stifle dissent; it sets a terrifying precedent unworthy of this nation’s history,” Lang’s attorneys also wrote. read more

10 Comments on Jan. 6 defendant appeals to Supreme Court in case that could upend hundreds of riot charges

  1. @aircubed – yep, a lot of them were put to death but no convictions were upheld.
    The lack of due process alone should suffice. I said a while ago that if I became president I would pardon every J6 participant for only that reason. Any of them truly deserving of trial could then get a real one – but of course none would be tried.

  2. Where was the DOJ during the Floyd RIOTS and dem insurrection over Cavanaugh? Why is AOC, Pelosi, Harris, Waters and others who called for violence still free?

  3. Frivolous lawsuit not worth the paper it was filed with. This wasn’t just any ole meeting, let alone a “Public” type meeting. Public meeting, it was not. Terrifying precedent will stand.
    Anyone who disrupts an official government proceeding should be locked & arrested on felony charges.

  4. If memory serves the protestors were admitted to the capital building by police unlocking the doors, and Congress suspended its session. It was not disrupted by the protestors entering a chamber in session.


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