She Was Shroomin’ – IOTW Report

She Was Shroomin’

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reportedly ate hallucinogenic mushrooms at restaurant during China visit.

Independent UK:

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen reportedly ate an order of potentially hallucinogenic mushrooms at a restaurant during a visit last week to Beijing.

During her visit, the secretary and her team stopped at a location of Yi Zuo Yi Wang, a restaurant chain specialising in dishes from the Yunnan province, where a food blogger on Weibo spotted the top official eating a variety of Chinese dishes.

“When I walked by their table on my way to the washroom, I slowed down to take a glance at the dishes they ordered,” the blogger wrote.

The selection included grilled fish, greens, and jian shou qing mushrooms.

“Our staff said she loved mushrooms very much,” the restaurant wrote on social media. “She ordered four portions of jian shou qing (a Yunnan wild mushroom species). It was an extremely magical day.” more here

SNIP: They’re using the shrooms to explain her frantic bowing to a Chinese official.

21 Comments on She Was Shroomin’

  1. In my youth, shroomin’ on a Sunday afternoon was quite fun. However, there’s a time and place for such revelry anf frivolity.

    Yellen’s situation….not so much. She didn’t know they were hallucinogenic they’ll say. Bullshit. She’s travelled and eaten all over the world for years. I don’t buy the story on its face. Much like everything else in this goddamned administration, it’s all bullshit. 🤬

  2. Cool, that makes her a qualified member of the “Obama Schroom Gang.” Is it any wonder our economy and dollar is in trouble? Loaded on schrooms, what could go wrong?

  3. One pill makes you stagger, and one pill makes you fall
    And the ones that FDA approves, don’t do anything good at all
    Go ask Yellin, when she’s stoned to the eyeballs.

    And if you go taking yuan, and you know you’re going to fall
    Tell ’em a Chinese ‘shrooming caterpillar has given you the call
    He called Yellin, when she was just small

    When the pedo in the White House mumbles theres somewhere you should go
    And you’ve just had some kind of mushroom, and your morals are super low
    Go ask Yellin, I think she’ll know

    When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
    And the Shitpants is talking backwards
    And Dr. Jill’s like, off with her head
    Remember what the Fauci said
    Feed your head, feed your head

  4. Yellen: While Xi was eating some mushrooms, I got him to sign a paper relinquishing all Chinese claims to Norway…

    Xi (later)…Hah! I got her to sign a paper handing over to us the USA. Who’s Shroomin’ Who?

  5. About 45 years ago i did some shrooms at a house party.
    They also happened to have helium balloons and pet hamsters on the premises.
    So we thought it would be a good idea to build little baskets and attach them to the balloons to float the little guys about the rooms.
    It worked.
    No hamster was harmed and you do seem to do weird shit on drugs.


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