Traffic on Zuckerberg’s Twitter alternative plummets in second week – IOTW Report

Traffic on Zuckerberg’s Twitter alternative plummets in second week

PM: Within 48 hours of launching on July 5, Mark Zuckerberg‘s Threads managed to bring in 100 million users, making it the fastest growing application in history. The initial fanfare was short-lived, however, and Meta’s “Twitter alternative” has been on a downward spiral ever since.

Data collected by Similarweb has revealed that traffic on Threads has decreased by more than 50 percent in its second week of operation, though only the numbers only reflect Android users. Apple is scheduled to provide figures for iPhone users in the coming weeks.

According to Similarweb, Threads had more than 49 million active daily users on its busiest day, July 7, but by the following Friday, that number had dipped to just 23.6 million. Time spent also decreased from 20 minutes to five minutes over that same time period. more

42 Comments on Traffic on Zuckerberg’s Twitter alternative plummets in second week

  1. “God Bless Elon Musk”

    TBH, I’m surprised Trump has not gotten back on Twitter, not only to endorse the new ownership but to reach way more eyeballs.

    His use of Twitter the first time was genius, reaching many Independents and folks not prone to paying attention to him, he should go back to what has worked in the past.

  2. Loco , up until recently it was easy to read some favorite Twitter accounts (James Woods,etc,) Not anymore. Now it prompts a sign on . No can do . Don’t have a twitter account & don’t want one. Am selective on ” memberships” anywhere . Am signed up for the People’s Cube where I read up and don’t always sign in but love the artists & commenters there and do appreciate this ‘site and the generous people who allow my trolling here . These are my favorite Ports in the continuing storm .

  3. I agree with you Jennifer.
    I never had a twitter account and won’t likely get one.
    Twitter just started requiring “sign in” to see tweets two weeks ago.
    Prior to that I could see all my favorite tweeters posts.

    I wrote here that that would change with 48 hours.
    I was wrong.
    I think this is a misstep by the Elon Group and I hope he changes it back…

  4. Trump and Twitter:

    ” Truth Social is now valued at around $500 million
    It’s estimated that Truth Social has boosted Donald Trump’s net worth by about $430 million”

    Truth Social is 3 years old.

    Art Of The Deal. I think so. EVERYTHING Trump types, any where, gets spread all over hell ad back anyway. Why join Twitter and promote your competitor? Not to mention how many users follow those posts back to Truth Social and eventually join? Damn good biz sense.

  5. “He now relies on surrogates to screen-shot his Truth posts to Twitter.
    It’s dumb as shit.”

    For all the obvious reasons. People followed Trump because he was funny, irreverent, and did not continence fools, a breath of fresh air. His “surrogates” can not fill this void.

    I have said before that getting back on Twitter would at least tell me that he was serious about winning and not just stroking his ego by animating his fans. He still can, I hope he does.

  6. Don’t get me wrong, I applaud the effort when our side tries to create alternatives to woke companies that treat us like crap and censor the fuck out of us.
    I try to support them as well, yet sometimes they work, sometimes not.
    Like Kenny Rogers sang…

    Elon is supposedly going to start an alternative to YouTube.
    I wish him luck but I doubt it will go far since YouTube is so embedded & entrenched in the video app world.
    I mean, look at Rumble.
    That is why BUYING Twitter was such a good call…

  7. “Truth Social is the 8-Track MS-DOS version of MySpace…”

    I beleive that to be true. But it satisfied his intent, and he made some good coin.

    “So is the goal to make money or get back into the WH?”

    Rejoining Twitter would have zero impact. Have you ever missed out on anything the man ever types? I have not. And he’s still growing his product.

  8. Jennifer – try using Nitter. It’s a knock-off Twitter. Go there and type in your favorite account(s). You can still follow your favorite account and no need to sign in or that annoying as fugg banner about needing to sign in.

  9. Another thing about Trump rejoining Twitter. Free speech goes both ways. He’d still have an enormous amount of asshole bad mouthing everything he typed on Twitter.
    Trump rejoining Twitter is a real bad idea.

  10. “I think this is a misstep by the Elon Group and I hope he changes it back…”

    Wrong. You see the idea is to get subscribers. I would have done it the first hour I took it over.

  11. Truth Social current stock price at $13 59. Forbes reported Trump has lost 700 million attributed to Truth Social, 4/3/23. Worth 500 million? To who? Other financial stock sites say the outlook for Truth Social doesn’t look good. Bankruptcy is in it’s future, that is their forecast.

  12. Trump’s report wealth drop from 3.2 billion to 2 5 billion. Yes he has a financial investment into Truth Social. Use your favorite search engine, the Forbes 4/3/23 comes up at the top. The current stock will be another search, but what I stated at $13.59 was today. All Social sites are taking a hit. Economy to me is still in a downswing.

  13. “Trump’s report wealth drop from 3.2 billion to 2 5 billion.”

    Trumps wealth took that hit while serving as President. And you should know that. I can’t find where he’s put a dime into Truth Social. So saying he’s lost 700 mil due to it is an out right lie.
    Forbes doesn’t like Trump much either.
    As far as the health of Truth Social, I could care less. It was a tool to communicate unfiltered to his supporters. Mission accomplished.

  14. OMG! Try and follow along, if Trump didn’t invest any money into product xyz, but xyz tanks, how much money has Trump lost. Please, try and think. Use your fingers and your toes.
    I’m pretty sure those are the numbers CNN has been flashing on TV screens for about 4 years. During that time Trump has also signed a lot of owner ship of various properties and corporations over to his kids. It is touching though to see your concern for his financial well being.

  15. @ Loco
    You’re right about rumble, but they’re improving, I think they still kind of suck for user navigation and controls.
    Pretty much let you post most anything.
    That’s got to be driving the Ministry of truth crazy.


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