DOD Memo Says Transgender Soldiers on Hormone Therapy Can Skip Deployments – IOTW Report

DOD Memo Says Transgender Soldiers on Hormone Therapy Can Skip Deployments


Transgender soldiers receiving hormone therapy may avoid deployment for as many as 300 days, according to a February 2023 Department of Defense memo outlining treatment at the Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC) at Fort Liberty.

The memo, first obtained and published by The Dossier, states that most service members “will require up to 300 days to be stabilized on cross-sex hormone therapy, and they will remain in a non-deployable status during that time.”

However, that timeline depends on when the service member is “clinically stabilized.”

The memo also states what other treatments and surgeries transgender troops may receive at WAMC at taxpayers’ expense.

The memo said after 12 months of hormone therapy, transgender service members can request “surgical care,” such as “upper” and “bottom” surgery.

It said transgender service members could also request surgery without first receiving hormone therapy. more here

23 Comments on DOD Memo Says Transgender Soldiers on Hormone Therapy Can Skip Deployments

  1. Darn it!
    I want those hormonal freaks to be on the front lines!
    Mental defects don’t get sent out, because they want to put chemicals in their bodies that alter them.
    Decent military members got tossed, because they didn’t want to put chemicals in their bodies that alter them.
    Go figure.

  2. Well, to be fair, if someone is fucking crazy enough to be taking hormones, I probably wouldn’t want to be sharing a foxhole with them anyways, so I’m good with them missing out. However, used to be missing a deployment meant that you couldn’t be promoted, couldn’t transfer duty stations, etc. — does that apply to the alphabet people, too, or only to normies?

  3. “It said transgender service members could also request surgery without first receiving hormone therapy.”

    So the Military has found a new enemy. Dicks. Trouser Trout. One eyed snakes. Purple headed yogurt throwers. Heat Seeking Moisture Missiles.
    Makes perfect sense. If you’re a ChiCom.

  4. “Very well, Pvt. Putz, your enlistment is due to end in 19 months. Your “gender” treatment means you won’t be deployed for 10 months. That means you won’t be getting out of the Service until 29 months from now. Sign here.

    “And here. And here. And again down here. Oh, and sign this, too.”

  5. Nothing is permanent. No matter what body part gets lopped off or remade if you stop taking the pills to switch your gender you will convert back to your old self.

    After 300 days means nothing. So, there’s a war and trans hormones didn’t make it on the last supply shipment to your base. Is it better to be a girl to boy soldier or a boy to girl soldier? What happens when you can’t get your meds?

    Bizarro world! 🤡

  6. Well, they can’t get any dirt in those made-up bonus holes, so they can stay home and do story hour with a bunch of innocent kids. I’d give anything to wake up from this shitty dream.

  7. Illustr8r

    95% OF Testo comes from a mans testicles. I’m assuming if they’re taking the stick, they’re taking the berries too. This is evil and demented. These people mandating this crap need to meet God. Now.

  8. @Brad
    I know, but it seems that those going through with the radical surgeries still aren’t as common. It’s the rainbow hair and androgynous hormonal ones that are.

    So now the best way for the really crazy ones to get the surgery they desire is to join the freakin’ Army?

    Yup, what a world.

  9. Illustr8r

    Agreed. But look at the recruitment numbers. I believe the only people the military is enrolling right now is that crowd. Which is great, unless we actually need to go to war. I believe Old Joe is destroying our military on behalf of the ChiComs.

  10. The Swiss Guards at the Vatican are planning an attack on the US and our “army”.

    Gen. Milley: Now listen up men. Here’s how we win against those Swiss Army soldiers. You Transgender men soldiers – your job is to apply camo make up to the faces of the ass-ault troops. After you get your make-up you proud gay soldiers of the 98th Rainbow Division ass-ault Group will go around them in a flanking movement and punch holes their rear. Relax, just do it. You men that show supreme bravery will get a 3-day furlough in San Franciso. You Transgender female soldiers, make sure your field pieces are in proper order and able to fire projectiles on those Swiss invaders, OK? If they don’t work, take them off and throw them in their faces.

    Always Keep in your Minds: Remember The Stonewall Inn. Make that your Battle Cry! REMEMBER STONEWLL. Good Luck men.


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