California bans state-funded travel to Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming – IOTW Report

California bans state-funded travel to Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming


California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the state would restrict state-funded travel to Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming in response to the passage of allegedly “anti-LGBTQ” legislation in these states.

As a result of California’s AB 1887, a 2016 law that banned state-funded travel to any state determined by the California Department of Justice to in any way discriminate against the LGBTQ community, Bonta must maintain and post a list of the soon-to-be 26 states banned from California state-funded travel.

For Missouri, Bonta targeted SB 39, a bill that withholds education funding for schools that allow male-to-female transgender individuals to participate in female sports teams.

19 Comments on California bans state-funded travel to Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming

  1. **Breaking**

    Omaha, 07-209-2023 (AP): In a deliberate retaliation against California’s latest action, Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming and ten other states held a news conference today to BAN California!!! In a possibly related story that remain unconfirmed, trainloads of stinking Midwest refuse are mysteriously showing up near California landfills. California Governor Newsom commented on both issues, reportedly exclaiming, “This situation stinks! They don’t have the right to ban California! And, by the way, those states stink! Their cattle stink! Their hogs stink! Their corn stinks! Their women stink! And their Conservative politics stink!” The consortium of Midwest states is urging Congress to sell California or China, or, short of that, nuke it’s big cities and eliminate million of zombies standing on the sidewalk ankle-deep in human feces drugged-out on Fentanyl.

  2. I’m sure that Missouri, Nebraska and Wyoming will be oh-so-butt hurt and economically deprived due to this decision. (/s)
    Or, it could be that the air will smell sweeter, the streets cleaner, the streams more pure.

  3. “Except for Gavin, of course.
    Gavin is above the law!”

    LOL, no shit huh. It’s like he can’t help him self. He just got back from Idaho. California has had a ban on travel there for sometime.

  4. Ostracism is a technique used in the revolution. It is successful against people who crave belonging and haven’t concerned themselves with the particulars of the group.

    Ostracize enough and you’ll find yourself alone. The revolution has to be careful not to over ostracize as it eliminates too many adherents to the cause, even though they’re not ideologically pure and deserve to be shitcanned.

    Charlie Manson, a sterling example of California product, ostracized the entire world by x-ing himself out of the world, using a screwdriver between the eyes (it started as a swastika). He died alone after living essentially alone for many years at taxpayers expense.


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