Before/After – IOTW Report


20 Comments on Before/After

  1. Does anyone remember about 20 years ago you could watch “Naked News” on the internet?

    This came to mind, in a very circuitous route BTW, in thinking that the lady at the bottom could more accurately sell the hoax if she was wearing summer/beach attire, couldn’t be more revealing than those Spanish channel weather girls, Ay, caramba!

  2. Ask NOAA how many weather automated reporting stations (instrument packages) have been relocated to urban areas in the last ten years.

    They get defensive, and say it’s because of budget cuts and man power restrictions.

    Party bonus, you put those things in the middle of an urban heat island and whadda’ you know!? They show higher temperatures.

    Strangely enough, no one wants to apply a ‘normalization factor’ to these sites. Just the old locations. Which always, for some reason, increased the reported temperature.

    If you knew anything about models and data capture and input, it just might make you think the data is being manipulated to match the model, instead of being used to refine the model.

    But I wouldn’t know anything about programs like that.

  3. as part of a 3 semester university physics curriculum, I had to read a book entitled: ‘Statistical Manipulation of Data.’
    if you tell me what you want the data to show, I might be able to help you. Graphs are a specialty.
    They do the same thing with epidemiology, why not everything else? It is the new normal.
    trust the science
    Math is racist

  4. Heat island effect: the more developed the land is, the hotter it is. I read somewhere that New York City is about 8 degrees warmer than smaller nearby cities. The heat island effect also states that agricultural land is warmer than undeveloped land, and the more people develop property with roads, sidewalks, structures, etc., the warmer that area is. So temperature measuring devices (aka thermometers) are warmer in urban areas.

    It also depends on where the thermometers are placed. If they are put in an asphalt parking lot, then they will show higher temperatures than in a park.

    But the big takeaway is that while the heat island effect is real, it has nothing to do with carbon dioxide.

  5. Whatever happened to THE SAME GROUP pimping global cooling in the sexy seventies? The oldest climate pimps in the group have retired, replaced by slightly less elderly pimps and a fricking FLOCK of indoctrinated young pimps. The money’s good, you get to Ira Einhorn bitches if you want, people kiss your ass and you do the pimp limp to the destination vacation location, maybe even flying private!

  6. @Wyatt ~ ever notice how many weather reports use the data from the airports? jet fuel burning, massive amounts of concrete & asphalt …

    we had a fedgov weather station at one of our water treatment plants. it was located at the highest point in the county … out of the way of heat islands, nice breezes, etc. … we used to open it & reset & replace as needed the circular recording charts & check the hardwired phone line … until they notified us that they would take care of it (this was back in the late ’80’s)

    I would check it once in a while, for sh*ts & giggles … the circular chart was never changed. it was one big blue blob … until the ink ran out. then I checked it one day & notice that the phone line was disconnected
    they never bothered to come back to maintain it … EVER!

  7. btw, here on the Mid-Atlantic east coast it was a typical July day … temps in the mid-eighties w/ humidity around 85-75.
    air conditioning has made us all pussy soy boys

    (the only difference this year is the El Nino effect where we get more Canukistan air [hence the deliberately set fires to make a more toxic atmosphere in the east … thanks!], instead of the usual Golf Stream moisture we get, it’s being suppressed by the jet stream… it ain’t Rocket Surgery folks … now, let’s make the weather screens red! …. oooooo, we’re burning up!)

  8. Molon Labe, “air conditioning has made us all pussy soy boys”. For the record, at 67 years old I’ve never lived in a house with air conditioning. Granted there’s been a couple days it would have been nice, but we have gotten by without it just fine.


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