Trains don’t derail themselves. Is no one curious? – IOTW Report

Trains don’t derail themselves. Is no one curious?

Train Derailed in Montana with Cars Spilling Carrots, Napkins, and Cake Mix.

Breitbart: A train derailed in Montana on Friday, causing 11 train cars to topple off the tracks, but no one was injured and there was no immediate threat to the environment. 

One derailed car was carrying paint thinner, but it did not spill, according to Amanda Frickel with Hill County Disaster and Emergency Services. Some derailed cars did spill, but they were carrying consumer goods such as cake mix, napkins, and carrots, ABC News reported.

The derailment happened east of the town of Havre at 5:39 p.m. on BNSF Railway tracks — one of the largest freight railroad networks in North America.

The line was reopened on Sunday following cleanup efforts. However the accident is still being investigated according to BNSF spokesperson Lena Kent, Fox Business reported. more

24 Comments on Trains don’t derail themselves. Is no one curious?

  1. That bridge collapse should have been all over the news but wasn’t.
    Strange that.
    Mayor Pete Butticheeks thought this would be a no show job.
    This is what happens with diversity hires.
    On purpose?

  2. Read Atlas Shrugged AGAIN.

    When the talent disappears, things start to fall apart BADLY after about 1 to 2 years, and then it accelerates.

    2 to 3 years of Technical Trades said “F@ck It” during COOF & Retired as they naturally Aged Out of the work force & others left early because they realized that were fine financially.
    That, coupled with Trade schools loosing 2 years of INTAKE CLASSES and you easily LOOSE 5 years of Tradesmen.

    Further, add that kids don’t know how to, or want to, turn a wrench for a living & these so called accidents will stack up & become VERY VERY COMMON.

    That is why so many Boilers are exploding in my trade. You don’t need dynamite.

    Just my opinion, have a good morning all.

  3. “The derailment comes as railways, which are mostly self-regulating, are increasingly scrutinized by unions and lawmakers over safety and environmental concerns.”

    This is the key in that article. Of course they want to destroy the most efficient industry used to deliver materials of any kind.

  4. Isn’t that maggot Warren Buffett the largest shareholder in BNSF?
    Everybody KNOWS that he’s a hate-America Globaloneyist.

    No Paradoxes.
    No Co-incidences.
    No Un-intended consequences.

    I know nothing but it all stinks of sabotage – sabotage of our supply chain – sabotage of our economy – another inflation contributor.

    I’m sure the NTSB’s investigation will turn up nothing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Seems like a difficult way to make a carrot
    Cake but at least somebody remembered the napkins.

    But seriously. I don’t know if these derailments are due to operator error, deteriorating rail lines, bad maintenance on the cars or domestic terrorism.
    Nobody seems to care.

  6. It’s the attack of the Killer Carrots. Or as Rush used to say, “Everybody who ever ate a carrot has died.” Maybe the beta in beta carotene is trying to assert itself and turn all the people orange and develop jaundice from eating too many carrots.

  7. “…the accident is still being investigated according to BNSF …”

    And just like all the wildfires over the last 25 years, we will never get an answer. At least they will not be able to blame a derailment on global warming.

  8. No accident – planned sabotage. Just like the others we have seen recently.

    I bet if a good statistician reviewed these derailments, he/she would conclude it is highly improbable that so many would happen in a short space of time like we have seen.

  9. Trains don’t derail themselves and factories and meat packing plants don’t burn themselves up. Why is no one in the media even interested in asking what’s going on?

  10. Disruption is the biggest tool in the Communist tool box.

    Kcir – When the talent disappears, things start to fall apart BADLY after about 1 to 2 years, and then it accelerates.

    Dead nutz on!!

  11. Trains used to have a caboose with a freight conductor who watched the cars for problems while the engineer watched the track. There used to be section masters who patrolled their section of track regularly. Jobs eliminated or reduced for cost saving.

  12. “Put the FBI on the case, they’ll find a way to blame it on TRUMP!”

    If there had been an errant garage pull somewhere and a negro, however tangentially involved, the FBI would be on the case – and the DOJ would have issued an indictment of President Trump by now.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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