Illegal Alien Who Publicly Beheaded Girlfriend in Minnesota Found ‘Not Guilty’ Due to Mental Illness – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Who Publicly Beheaded Girlfriend in Minnesota Found ‘Not Guilty’ Due to Mental Illness


Alexis Saborit, 42, was originally convicted of first-degree premeditated murder on May 11 for the killing of America Thayer, 55.

However, that ruling was overturned last week after Judge Caroline Lennon ruled that “[Saborit’s] mental illness prevented him from understanding his actions were morally wrong.”

Police were called on the afternoon of July 28, 2021, after someone saw Saborit throw a woman’s head out of his vehicle at an intersection.

“When officers arrived, they found Thayer’s body lying on the ground next to the car with her head lying next to her,” Fox 9 reports. “Officers found what appeared to be a sheath for a large knife in a nearby yard. They found a knife in a trash can in an alley in the area. Officers located Saborit a short distance away from the scene and took him into custody.”

Days before the murder, investigators found that Saborit had laughed as he told a friend, “I’m going to chop her f—ing head off.” more

21 Comments on Illegal Alien Who Publicly Beheaded Girlfriend in Minnesota Found ‘Not Guilty’ Due to Mental Illness

  1. Let me float this out there for thought: ANY person murdering is “insane,” which is to say the person doesn’t subscribe to societies norms for behavior, and they do not comprehend the difference between good and evil. The latter is a prerequisite for differentiating humans from animals. So, these murderers are just animals and should be treated as such; society should simply put them down.

    As mentioned above, the actions of using a knife, eating food not rocks, etc. is pretty conclusive that the person is NOT insane.

  2. this should be appealed, and the judge removed from her bench
    a judge is not able to determine the mental state of another. We have supreme court justices that can’t define what a woman is, as basic as that is. Judges can refer them to another, who is trained in such evaluations, for assessment.
    I do agree that he is insane. Anyone who would commit such an act is insane, at least in my mind. I don’t want to live in a society that would accept otherwise. He was found guilty of the crime. he is criminally insane. If the judge’s decision is un-understandbly allowed to stand, he should be committed, for life, to a facility for the criminally insane. he will never be ‘cured’ and return to a normal life. There is no cure such illness.

  3. Premeditated murder and a consciousness of guilt DOES NOT spell “insane.”
    The “judge” is insane – or evil.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. this is a post Samuel judge. It is political. Judges were very different back then. They served a higher Boss than the political judges of today. It has been like this for a long time. as it gets worser and worser.

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