DOJ Will Allow US Attorney David Weiss to Testify – IOTW Report

DOJ Will Allow US Attorney David Weiss to Testify

GP: Biden’s Justice Department will allow US Attorney David Weiss to testify to Congress about the IRS whistleblowers’ allegations of a Hunter Biden cover-up.

“The Department is ready to offer U.S. Attorney Weiss to testify shortly after Congress returns from the August district work period,” read the letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan.

The DOJ “believes it is strongly in the public interest for the American people and for Congress to hear directly from U.S. Attorney Weiss on these assertions and questions about his authority at a public hearing,” the letter said. more

7 Comments on DOJ Will Allow US Attorney David Weiss to Testify

  1. From the Garland playbook:

    “I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation.”


    “I don’t know the answer to that but I (say I will but never will) get back to you on that.”

    At least we will (probably) be spared the “I cannot comment on personnel matters.”

    The underlying message, of course, will be “I don’t want to be Arkancided,” perhaps with a dash of “I don’t want my house raided by armed FBI swat teams at 5:00 AM or while I am testifying”

    The government doesn’t even try to hide it anymore.

  2. We will see how far integrity and honesty goes with with Mr. Weiss and his testimony.

    Weiss, United States Attorney for the United States District Court for the District of Delaware was appointed by President Trump.

    However, it has been a standing practice to seek recommendations from Delaware’s Senator, Governor and/or former Elected Officials (BIDEN).

    Was Weiss recommended by Biden? If not, who recommended Weiss to the Trump Administration for his appointment?

    Inquiring minds want to know who Mr. Weiss’ clout was to gain his appointment before his testimony.
    Who in the Biden Administration decided to keep Weiss and who was Weiss’ clout that pushed to keep him?


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