‘F–k you, a–hole!’  – IOTW Report

‘F–k you, a–hole!’ 

NYC Mayor Adams fires off bizarre, head-spinning comeback to heckler’s insult.

BPR: New York City Mayor Eric Adams was heckled in a very public manner but you have to give the Democrat some credit for laughing off the vulgarity that was directed his way. On the other hand, how he responded verbally was an eyebrow-raiser on its own.

Hizzoner was holding a news conference Monday on the streets of New York City to announce his “Get Sheds Down” initiative, a plan to remove unsightly sheds and scaffolding from streets to help boost the city’s ailing business district — Democrats count their victories small and large, it seems.

While standing at the lectern, a random woman can suddenly be heard on video cursing Adams out, calling out: “F*ck you, *asshole!”

“She said I’m messing with homeless people,” a chuckling Mayor Adams told those in attendance, before interpreting the heckler’s insult as an overture for sex. “One should be happy if someone wants to make love to them. You know?” more

9 Comments on ‘F–k you, a–hole!’ 

  1. Yes, because ignoring your constituent’s true meaning while seemingly promoting sexually assaulting homeless people sure is funny./s

    Especially coming from someone who rapes an entire city on a daily basis.

  2. When Republicans and conservatives lose their cool and swear at well deserving hecklers they’re automatically branded as low life scumbags. But if a democrap loses it and swears like a sailor at someone who disagrees with them they’re branded as cool and suave and are forgiven because the heckler deserved being sworn at. The question is who are the real low life’s and my bets on the democraps every time. Neither side should be swearing up a storm at people they disagree with but the democraps are masters at putting down everyone who is against them. And they take pride in it because they’re the supposed good guys while Republicans are hated for doing the same thing. Democraps, thy name is hypocrite.

  3. Adams just hide out in your basement and just keep telling everyone you’ve fixed everything and barf out some phony stats to prove it. You’ll be voted in every time, provided your a democrat.


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