‘It’s terrible.’ NYC business owners ‘scared’ for their livelihoods, employees as migrants drive customers away – IOTW Report

‘It’s terrible.’ NYC business owners ‘scared’ for their livelihoods, employees as migrants drive customers away

BPR: New York City businesses have had it with the chaos and violence caused by illegal immigrants who are also hitting them in the wallet big time.

The flood of illegal immigrants into the Big Apple has caused businesses to speak out as the influx spirals out of control impacting the entire city, according to the New York Post. Companies cannot sustain the financial hit they are taking as they battle crime and destruction as well as customers fleeing the city to get away from the havoc.

As Mayor Eric Adams declared the city is full and there is no more room for illegal immigrants, he started evicting them from shelters, pushing them into the streets of New York City and right into the laps of local businesses.

Entire families are camping on sidewalks, in parks, and under bridges. Men fight in the streets as mini-tent cities are exploding across the landscape. The garbage, filth, and violence have driven residents to the boiling point. more

15 Comments on ‘It’s terrible.’ NYC business owners ‘scared’ for their livelihoods, employees as migrants drive customers away

  1. “illegal immigrants who are also hitting them in the wallet big time”

    Isn’t it delicious? I just love how all of this is panning out for businesses. The illegals here have bought food trucks and trying to make it that way. Another one is selling tamales out of the back of her car (no telling where her hands have been). One illegal sells cut up watermelon, pineapple, cantaloupe out of his cart on the corner. Guess business wasn’t good. haven’t seen him around. I refuse to patronize any of them.

  2. too late dummy, mayor adams was proud to call nyc a sanctuary city as he cashed that big taxpayer funded check
    now he’s complaining about a small fraction of illegals that’s been running roughshod over border states for YEARS costing taxpayers big bucks

    on top of the garbage mess, i bet all the illegal wimmens are putting their used tp in a trash can instead of flushing it causing a big peepeepoopoo stink
    (indoor plumbing in meehico isn’t reliable so they never flush it)

  3. It’s fucking cultural enrichment you deplorable proletarian assholes! Get used to it, your betters know how things are supposed to go.

    Shut up and deal with it! Now, if you have EVER voted democrat YOU are PERSONALLY responsible for this mess.


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