We’re paying billions in taxes for federal offices that are sitting mostly empty – IOTW Report

We’re paying billions in taxes for federal offices that are sitting mostly empty

Based Politics:

The pandemic changed how people work, with remote work becoming wildly more prominent. And the federal government was no exception. But now, post-pandemic, taxpayers are on the hook for billions to fund federal offices that are sitting mostly empty, a new report reveals.

Earlier this month the Government Accountability Office published a report examining the utilization of current federal workspaces, as John Kartch explains for Americans for Tax Reform, and its results were remarkable.

As Kartch notes, the report found that all 24 federal agencies’ headquarters are “vastly underutilized” with most headquarters under 25% capacity and several below 10% capacity.

That’s right: Many federal offices are 75% or even 90% empty. These include the Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Small Business Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, and more cabinet-level agencies.

I’ve seen this firsthand. I remember when I still lived in the DC area, I lived near the US Patent & Trade Office. I’d walk my dog by the pristine, sparkling building every day, and for years after the pandemic, it was always almost entirely empty. Its state-of-the-art gym remained closed and the security guards posted seemingly had nothing to do. It always struck me as a remarkable waste. more

10 Comments on We’re paying billions in taxes for federal offices that are sitting mostly empty

  1. The money is shunted back to the politicians who voted for this boondoggle and the Fed managers who pushed the notion.

    Another scam.

    Pelosi and Schumer are probably getting the lion’s share.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Pay back to Contractors, Construction companies, Unions, land owners who lease the land to building owners who in turn lease it to Government.
    It happens at the City, Township, County, Regional, State and National level.

    Everybody that is connected gets a piece of the pie.

    It’s an elite club, and you get to pay for it.

  3. Yet the FBI Needs a new HQ? F—k that noise. Warehouse the excess goons in the empty federal buildings. If that’s still not enough space, start firing the deadwood. Better yet, start firing anyway.

  4. We’re also paying billions in salaries to millions of criminal government employees that do NOTHING but make our lives miserable. Let’s get rid of ALL OF THEM first.

  5. Government agency field offices are almost all leased space. I know a guy that has about a dozen building he leases to the government. When the pandemic hit and there were lockdowns he had construction crews upgrading the buildings. He refurbished the interiors and exteriors with minimal labor because they did not have to work around government employees. Because of the referbs he picked up multi-year renewals on his leases.

  6. Tax theft and waste. How many “free” Covid19 test kits did you get?? I have 18 that I did not request and our rich Uncle Sam is paying the Chinese for. Sure smells of unchecked monthly TAX THEFT.

  7. So now, instead of not working at the office, they all “work” at home not working.
    Hey, maybe they can put those 85,000 new IRS employees in those empty buildings. Or are they going to “work” from home too?

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