When did Bernie Sanders become the Military-Industrial-Complex’s best friend? – IOTW Report

When did Bernie Sanders become the Military-Industrial-Complex’s best friend?

Based Politics: For his entire political career, progressive Independent Senator Bernie Sanders has been a staunch antiwar advocate and rabidly in favor of cutting US military spending.

But regarding America’s funding of Ukraine’s war with Russia, Sanders has voted for every cent of the $113 billion in US aid we have sent to date.

Let’s leave aside for a moment whether or not you agree with Sanders that this aid is necessary, or even your position on the Ukraine-Russia war altogether.

Don’t you think having oversight on how $113 billion is being spent would be wise?

Apparently Senator Sanders doesn’t.

14 Comments on When did Bernie Sanders become the Military-Industrial-Complex’s best friend?

  1. Dancing bears, cymbal-clapping monkeys, VD-infested strippers…

    … the world has never witness grovelling WHORES as lustfully greedy as the vermin that populate the US government.
    (not even in ancient Rome, imo).

    The lying shysters on the national TV ‘news’ programs all shared the same talking point (shocking, I know), this time about THE CLIMATE. Their ridiculous and breathless shocker was that “the weather looks like something out of the Book of Revelation” !!!! (gasp!!!)

    The implication being that oBidumb is the AntiChrist we were warned would come. D’uh!

  2. Bernie’s always had his hands in the taxpayers’ pockets.

    The guy’s a millionaire and has NEVER done a day of work in his entire life!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. @Apollo

    Yep, rich Marxists are the worst hypocrites ever.

    They seem unable to understand what they say. “Appropriate the Appropriaters” My ass. Or, they say things freely while knowing it won’t affect them.

    They’ll fight like rats to keep their privileges and properties from the workers.

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