Gov’t Admits Millions of Unemployed People Were Not Counted in Latest Job Stats – IOTW Report

Gov’t Admits Millions of Unemployed People Were Not Counted in Latest Job Stats

Western Journal:

When the June jobs report came out, President Joe Biden crowed that it was “Bidenomics in action.”

But behind the happy talk of the White House statement, buried in the depths of a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, is the revelation that more than five million Americans who are not working were not counted in the unemployment rate, which stands at 3.6 percent.

“The number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job was 5.4 million in June, little changed from the prior month,” the report said.

“These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the four weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job.” more here

11 Comments on Gov’t Admits Millions of Unemployed People Were Not Counted in Latest Job Stats

  1. The unemployment rate is a garbage number, because it depends upon people actively looking for work. The labor participation rate is a much better gauge.
    And look at that – 0bama recession absolutely destroyed it, and although it has recovered under both Trump and Biden since the covid crush, it is barely the minimum level that it was under 0bama.

  2. What has this government told the TRUTH about? Covid. Vax is Safe. J6th. Ukraine. Trump. LGBT. Trannies. Climate. Taxes. It’s for the Children. You can keep your doctor. Biden got more votes than anyone, ever. Kari Lake lost in a FAIR election. Lies. ALL LIES!

  3. How bout the gummint counts them what has a job as “employed” and them what hasn’t as “unemployed?”

    Too simple? Or not enough room to deceive?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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