Attempts to regulate drag shows largely fall flat – IOTW Report

Attempts to regulate drag shows largely fall flat

Hot Air: As you’re no doubt aware, drag shows have been attracting a lot of attention in the press lately, mostly in a negative fashion by conservatives. This has almost entirely been in response to children being exposed to these performances. As a result, multiple states have attempted to enact new laws regulating such events, blocking access by minors. But as NPR pointed out yesterday, few of the laws have passed, and the ones that did have mostly been blocked by the courts. One such law passed in Montana was blocked by a federal judge on Friday. A similar law in Tennessee was struck down by a Trump-appointed judge the day before it was supposed to go into effect. So are conservatives chasing their own tails on this topic and is this something that can even be regulated without running afoul of the First Amendment? more here

16 Comments on Attempts to regulate drag shows largely fall flat

  1. In Washington state the strip joints are not allowed to serve alcohol. So if the restrictions on minors viewing sex shows can only be tied to the serving of alcohol can minors attempt to go to Washington strip joints? If I was 17 I’d probably give it a try.

  2. I think some of the regulations have been poorly constructed and ham-fisted.
    It’s a fine line regarding civil rights.
    Any new laws need to be similar to strip clubs & alcohol consumption and sales laws.
    Focus on keeping minors away from this trash.
    You have children around public nudity you get fined or lose your license.

    As far as drag queen story hour at libraries?
    Defund them. No law necessary.
    Money talks…trannies walk

  3. Civil rights? We don’t need no stinkin’civil rights!

    Simple proposal: keep your kinks off the street and behing closed doors.

    Just go back to a “consenting adults” standard.

  4. How is that “evil” Russia can manage to ban groomer clowns, sodomy parades and child genital mutilation in all eleven times zones of their nation, and the so-called “Land of the Free” can’t even keep groomer clowns out of a few schools?

  5. Agree with Loco BUT.

    This crap ends when parents don’t bring kids. Period.

    No “regulation” needed.

    Here in Florida we have “clothing optional” beaches. Never occurred to us to bring children to them. Had we accidentally encountered a “drag show” story hour in a library, we might have paused just long enough to point and laugh at the ugly clown, and then left to do something more fun. A “Pride Parade” is easy to avoid: just don’t go there.

    What the hell is wrong with parents these days.

  6. Our local American Legion is putting on a drag show. Thankfully so far it appears most are calling them out for how sick they are. They have a few though claiming to be veterans that say they fought for all people and fully support it.
    They removed and reported my comment. I guess I hit too close to home. lol

    Any woman supporting or attending this is supporting women being cancelled. Any man supporting or attending this is a closet homosexual. Any person calling themselves a Christian supporting or attending needs to dust off their Bible.

  7. @ORWW

    It is extremely disheartening that the American Legion is going for the woke queer stuff.

    AL has caught a life-threatening disease, just like the Boy Scouts have.

  8. Tim Buktu, we are rural, I can’t believe they’re doing this. They at first had it listed as all ages welcome. After people called them groomers, they edited it to say 21+ and removed most of the groomer comments, but left the comments saying all ages to basically call them liars.
    They say it’s just for entertainment and to raise money and are resorting to saying if you disagree then you don’t support veterans. What they don’t get is all of those who have supported them that will no longer do so.

  9. I’m for bring back the good old days when any father worthhy of the title would beat the motherfucking shit out of child groomers and nobody would have seen a thing.


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