John Fetterman: Trump Still Strong in Pennsylvania, ‘Seeing Trump Signs Everywhere’ – IOTW Report

John Fetterman: Trump Still Strong in Pennsylvania, ‘Seeing Trump Signs Everywhere’


Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said that former President Donald Trump still has strong political pull in his state of Pennsylvania, adding that he sees “Trump signs everywhere.”

Fetterman issued his comments about Trump’s status in Pennsylvania when speaking with the New York Times last week about the political fallout surrounding the former president’s indictment.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m a senator, and I’m not sure how many times he’s been indicted. He’s been impeached twice. Has that changed anything? You’re still seeing Trump signs everywhere in Pennsylvania. You have to respect his strength in all of that,” he said. more

7 Comments on John Fetterman: Trump Still Strong in Pennsylvania, ‘Seeing Trump Signs Everywhere’

  1. PA is the epitome of a Uniparty state. DJT had a 700,000+ lead when the vote count was stopped and the SofS announced there were still 1 million votes left to count. In fact, more than 2 million were “counted” and Biden “won”

    No one wins any race PA unless TPTB know favors will be returned.

  2. “I’ve spent enough time around him. He’s sharp, he’s aware, he is absolutely up to the task.” Said the guy who’s dull, completely unaware, and demonstrates repeatedly that he’s not up to ANY task.

  3. And it won’t mean sh*t if the stupid party leadership doesn’t get their @sses in gear and address the evil parties election cheating tactics.

    Wait, we’ve got Romney-McDaniel as the National Republican Party leader,….all’s well…….idiots.

  4. We are still handcuffed by being called a blue state by the asshole lawbreaker lawmakers coming out of Philtidelphia and yes Fetterman Pfugsburgh.

    My county even with vote rigging and stealin’ went for Trump at about 75%.


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