DOJ Uses White House ‘Pence Card’ Memo On How Pence Could Save The Republic as Evidence in Indictment – IOTW Report

DOJ Uses White House ‘Pence Card’ Memo On How Pence Could Save The Republic as Evidence in Indictment

National File: Joe Biden’s DOJ is using the “Pence Card” memo that circulated the Trump White House in December 2020 as evidence in their Washington, DC indictment against the 45th President. The memo, which was exclusively published by National File, explained how then-Vice President Mike Pence had a legal and constitutional duty to reject the certification of electors from contested states, where illegal changes to election law were made and where documented instances of fraud had been discovered in the wake of the 2020 presidential race. But instead of taking action, Pence stood down.

The case against President Trump in Washington, DC goes well-beyond claims that he incited an “insurrection” on January 6th, 2021, and launches a direct attack against the American Republic and its constitutionally-prescribed electoral procedures.

By using the “Pence Card” memo as evidence in their case against the 45th President, Jack Smith and the rest of Joe Biden’s DOJ is taking aim squarely at the basic concepts of American governance and the most sacred duties of American elected officials, by claiming that the Vice President of the United States has no legal or constitutional authority to ensure that presidential election results are actually legitimate and reflect the actual will of The People. MORE

27 Comments on DOJ Uses White House ‘Pence Card’ Memo On How Pence Could Save The Republic as Evidence in Indictment

  1. DON MADE MANY MISTAKES, most were bringing on board “Bush Republicans”! lefty Pence was abad one.

    read -Was Mike Pence a fifth columnist in the White House?
    Bush put many saboteurs in Don’s ops: Barr, Pence an Wray my top 3. – OF MANY!

  2. When he first appeared on the national stage I couldn’t figure out if he was cool and calculating with his aloof responses to easy questions, or just dumber than a box of rocks. Well now we know.


    I never understood a lot of Trump choices … then again, he was fighting a losing battle when he thought he could bring in all the Swamp Creatures he picked & they would be on his team

    … when the only loyalty the Swamp has is to the grift … they’d sell their souls for 10% … all of them!

  4. Which is why the A..H… indictments will collapse
    there is PROOF of nothing
    The only “evidence” is the hatred of the
    AG and DA offices
    This isn’t the DEEP SOUTH anymore
    you can’t jail or execute a man for mere HATRED

  5. Guys, Trump gave an interview to Maria Bartiromo a week or two ago. She asked him about his biggest mistakes. He answered his appointments. Try and find that interview if you can. Honestly most of it left me disappointed but that segment gave me hope.

  6. Benito remember who was running the RNC at the time Reince Priebus . He (P. Trump) thought that all of the GOP wanted to make America great, little did he know that they are all snakes.
    They all want to screw us and all of America to keep power and keep the gravy train rolling right into their pockets.
    All of his cabinet picks had to go through the Gang of Eight to even get a vote from the full Senate. So President Trump never really got the people that he wanted in key cabinet spots.
    In a nut shell from day one the deep state thwarted him to maintain the power they still hold today. Who was the first to go Gen. Flynn. And now we are living the nightmare because of it.
    They will stop at nothing to keep their hold on power.
    Trump 2024 or it is the end of our country, he is the only one who has the balls to end it the rest are a part of the club that we are not in.

  7. While I have no faith in the intelligence or integrity of a DC jury, a memo discussing the legal and constitutional basis for an election challenge is not a crime. A President has the right to seek counsel from anyone on any matter.

    I think his defense could focus on his duties and actions as President rather than as a private citizen. Clearly, his acts as President, if outrageous, are properly punishable only by impeachment and removal from office.

  8. You know that as surely as the sun rises in the East, if we ever get a Republican President again, and a 50/50 Senate, these same Bolsheviks will argue—successfully— that the VP cannot cast a tie-breaking vote. Assuming RINO Senators even let it get to a tie, of course.

    The office of VP has no real power or utility anymore. Not even in the line of succession. Nobody in their right mind would ever let any of the last four VP’s step into the Presidency. Or the any of the last half dozen Speakers of the House, for that matter.

    The deep star appears to be angling for the Attorney General to take the reins if necessary. And apparently, all we’d need for that to happen is a new rule from the FEC, or maybe the IRS. And Congress can hold hearings if they get butt-hurt about it.

  9. i am assuming for the 2024 extravaganza, the blue areas will not have republican poll watchers allowed at all and the polling places will have all the windows blacked out.

  10. Pence never ever had the power to simply switch/change Electors from states, period. Everyone knew exactly how the Electors voted, way before hand. The military also stated they would never just blindly follow his coup attempt. They said no way Jose. I really really do love him Donny because is nothing more than a circle jerk of lies. Can you cut your own throat just a weee bit more, please.

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