Jonathan Turley on Trump Indictment: ‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’ – IOTW Report

Jonathan Turley on Trump Indictment: ‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

Gateway Pundit: Professor Jonathan Turley of George Washington University may be a liberal, but he is an honest man.

He recently appeared on the Sean Hannity show and took apart the Trump indictment piece by piece, leaving it in tatters on the floor.

Turley said that it was completely understandable why the American people think we have a two-tiered justice system and called the Trump indictement an attack on free speech.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

TURLEY: This is a free speech-killing indictment. There’s no way around it. I write a great deal in academia in the free-speech area and I rarely seen a more chilling filing by the Department of Justice. The question that people have to ask themselves is, when is the price too high? People are obviously enraged, but what is the price too high to bag Donald Trump? This indictment is that prohibitive cost. Meaning, what they are attempting to do is criminalize what they consider to be disinformation.

And I have to tell you, this indictment is really sad moment for me. I hoped that Smith is going to indict on January 6th, that he would find unassailable evidence and unquestioned legal authority. He has neither in this indictment.

This is a speaking indictment but it doesn’t say very much. It basically just says that we think Trump is lying that he actually didn’t believe this. I can’t tell you how faciously ridiculous this claim is. It starts up by saying, of course, you can say false things in the campaign, but then says that Trump knew they were false. Is that the test going forward in terms of criminalizing political speech?

Smith is just not only going to have to just bulldoze through the First Amendment, he’s going to have to bulldoze through a line of cases by the Supreme Court. more

9 Comments on Jonathan Turley on Trump Indictment: ‘The American People Aren’t Buying It’

  1. But they still buy ME!

    Maybe because they KNOW they can *giggle!* “Count” on me!

    Walking that gauntlet only to be stopped by ME!

    “Election” *chuckle!* “Day” will be a very sad time for Americans who love Trump!

    OOPS, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that yet, oh well, not like anyone’s going to DO anything about me anyway!

    See you at my polls!

  2. Yup, we’re not buying it. Now, how do we get the upper hand against the political class that we pay to represent us who are looking out only for themselves?

    Asking them nicely hasn’t worked. Screaming in their ear hasn’t either.

  3. Jonathan Turdley, a known Trump sympathizer offers a cockcamamie BS defense. Once someone starts acting out their “free speech” HELLO it is no longer free speech. Attempted coup & overthrowing the government with fake electors & disenfranchising American voters is well beyond,a final step beyond a future prison term.

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