RFK Jr. Says He May Have Been Denied Secret Service Protection After Criticizing Open Border – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. Says He May Have Been Denied Secret Service Protection After Criticizing Open Border

Summit News: Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Junior has charged that he may have been denied a Secret Service protection by Alejandro Mayorkas, the Head of the Department of Homeland Security, following public criticism of wide open borders.

Kennedy made the assertion in an interview with Jimmy Dore, noting “It may explain why Mayorkas doesn’t want to give me Secret Service, because I was very critical.”

“It’s political pettiness,” Kennedy continued, asserting that it is “distressing that there are people in public office doing that. I was very outspoken criticizing Mr. Mayorkas for that decision and I don’t know if that contributed to his decision not to give me Secret Service protection.”

“I have no idea but it occurred to me,” he clarified. more

17 Comments on RFK Jr. Says He May Have Been Denied Secret Service Protection After Criticizing Open Border

  1. RFK is almost there. The reason the scum in DC wants millions of mostly military aged men disbursed into our cities has nothing to do with getting them to vote for the dems who are such great guys for allowing them in and showering them with bennys. They got the fraud down, they can manipulate the count any fucking way they want to.

    Soon helicoptering money is going to stop, the EBTs are gonna read error, the Section 8 money is gonna dry up along with all the other bullshit and these new millions plus the millions already seduced by years of a free subsistence lifestyle are going to go apeshit. Bet your ass on it. Our cities and their suburbs will become as Matt Bracken puts it, Rhodesia X South Africa.(as an aside, have you seen the video this week(?) filmed in an huge outdoor arena in S Africa with 10s of 1,000s of blacks dancing & screaming, Kill the Boer?)

    It’s the chaos that TPTB want and when it unfolds, God only knows what kind of insidious horrors TPTB are going to inflict. covid was a test run. One thing is certain, what we knew as the USA will be over.

  2. MMinWA

    Those are my thoughts. That’s why they’re trying to place large numbers of these invaders into conservative “bedroom” communities. If you’re not prepared you should start working on it.
    When the music stops it’s got the potential of getting real ugly.

  3. I live in a moderately rural county in Western Washington. As a county we voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 by relatively narrow margins. You can see we have been on the receiving end of a large number of these “new Americans”. In fact after going to the store yesterday I came home and remarked about numbers of non English speaking people in the store. There are starting to be a few more Ebonics speakers as well. I’m not like what I’m seeing.

  4. 6 months before the election presidential candidates are issued security details. Cheap bastard has to fund his own before hand. A Lee Harvey Oswald wannabe is offering his services, of course free if charge.

  5. “6 months before the election presidential candidates are issued security details.”

    You are full of shit. Dan Bongino, who was a SS guy, guarding candidates, just went over this. Christie’s got them, Pence suck their dicks, Don’t know about RDS, but if the Feds aren’t keeping him safe the state of Florida is.
    You’re just another Anon lying sack of shit.

  6. Dont like the truth typical of Dump supporter. Well jackass a committee decides this. Think in that teeny tinny brain, if this is law where is his goddamn lawsuit, moron.

  7. Anonymous at 9:32 pm

    You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you in the ass. You’re a Libtard. By definition, you make your own truths up as you go. Fucking wild, Libtards hating on a Kennedy.

  8. The Secret Service likely murdered his uncle, possibly had a role in the murder of his father, and for sure the Deep State that controls the Secret Service murdered his cousin.

  9. ^^^^ If I only had a brain. Trumptarded biggly time, way too many BigMac wacks to the head. Well Georgia is blocking off roads & barracking their court house, state charges are coming next week. These are charges that can never ever be pardon by someone in the Federal government, enjoy I will!

  10. Robert F Kennedy Jr is a nut case. Even family claims so. His dad is rolling over in his grave.
    The son, his son is not following his dad’s footsteps in the least bit. But in this case, political career ended by his FATHER’S party, which fucking Junior has abandon. Please take this traitor by all means.

  11. Anonymous at 9:59 pm

    Hey fuck nuts. If his dad were running today he would be considered un electable because he was way to conservative, If JFK were running today his policies would have been to the right of DJT’s. “Ask not what your country can do for you, yada yada”
    You are an Anti American hater putz. Fuck off.

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