Liberal Woman in Portland Switches Parties After Attack – IOTW Report

Liberal Woman in Portland Switches Parties After Attack

Liberal Chick in Portland Switches Parties After Attack by Homeless Man. Salty Cracker has the story.

11 Comments on Liberal Woman in Portland Switches Parties After Attack

  1. She still hates fossil fuels, thinks white people are evil, Trump is Hitler, open borders are just, gender is fluid, and her country is systemically racist. She is a lost cause no matter how many times she gets hit upside her head.

  2. It’s been my experience that liberals don’t care about injustices or illnesses until it happens to them. They are disingenuous. It’s what makes them democrats. That mindset doesn’t change.

  3. Not impressed. The mental disorder of voting liberal is almost impossible to cure. She could surprise me but it usually takes more than a melon thumping or two to wake them up. Downtown Portland was destroyed by filthy rich liberals supporting every commie candidate and cause. Not one of them has learned a thing. Got a hunch this one is no different.

  4. It’s going to take a whole lot more liberals getting beat up to change their voting patterns to make any difference in righting the ship that their previous votes sunk. Seattle just had a primary and the usual left wing idiots won the day.

    Not impressed and after she heals up she’ll have second thoughts about voting R. No doubt.

  5. Not all conversions stick. Everyone knows of an addict who’s been to rehab multiple times. Smokers quit repeatedly, pedo’s swear off that sweet sweet chicken after being caught and prosecuted, the diet pill business still swings hard after all these years.

    If you ever voted democrat, you’re the problem. Stop it. Since your judgement is proven to be simply atrocious and your grasp on reality so tenuous, don’t switch, just STOP. Don’t pollute the water any more, just abstain from participation and let the adults take care of things while you educate yourself and develop a relationship with reality.


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