NYT Asked Voters What Kind of Animal Best Describes Joe Biden – IOTW Report

NYT Asked Voters What Kind of Animal Best Describes Joe Biden

Their Responses Were Brutal

It sounds like something out of an online personality test: What kind of animal best describes the president?

Given that this was the question asked by The New York Times — the paper in one of the most liberal corners of the country — one might think the opinions of President Joe Biden were particularly complimentary. In fact, you can easily imagine a number of people saying, “Cheetah. A svelte, super-intelligent cheetah. And anyone who says he isn’t is a bloody ageist.”

But, no, even those interviewed can’t ignore the obvious — and the results weren’t pretty.

38 Comments on NYT Asked Voters What Kind of Animal Best Describes Joe Biden

  1. Being an animal lover I would not degrade any of them with this comparison. Inanimate objects like dirt, rocks, refuse, and detritus, might qualify.

    OT, those female (?) paragons of virtue and patriotism known as the US women’s soccer team just got their asses thrown out of the World Cup in a rather ignominious fashion, and the blue-haired harpy is getting most of the criticism.

  2. Sloth was the first thought I had due his inability to move a beach chair in under five minutes, but feral pig best suits the Pedo.

    Mean, smelly, spiteful animal that uproots and destroys everything it contacts. Notoriously noxius and foul tempered, contributes nothing, thinks only of its own needs. Greedy, rapacious, ugly and supremely lazy, A stupid, stubborn, parasitic animal that hides from every other animal.

    That’s the Pedo in a nutshell

  3. …I can’t think of one, because no animal is naturally a traitorous, narcissistic, neurosyphiliptic demented pedophile puppet that rapes its grandchildren and its entire society woth equal abandon.

    Probably because EVERY OTHER ANIMAL SOCIETY BUT HUMAN would have eliminated such an abomination long ago.

  4. A selfish, hateful, disgusting, worthless, evil, power hungry, mindless, (etc…) homo sapien. We’re all mammals, right.

    However, there is no other species on this planet that is as evil as we humans can be – and Biden is in the top of the list with all those in power, and those that blindly follow, that are systematically destroying the most powerful nation in human history.

    Even a virus does not choose to be the ultimate parasite.

  5. Cross between a honey badger (we don’t need no stinking badgers) and a possum – his head is so far up his ass he can’t remember who he’s always pissed off at.

  6. How about a lyme disease infected tick?
    It is a parasite that bleeds the host (USA) for a long period of time without the host being aware of it until it is too late (>50 years in politics).
    It infects the host with a devastating infection (illegal invaders) which will most likely kill it eventually.
    The only hope for the host is a “rebel” doctor (President Trump) to save the day and completely avoid the establishment treatment protocols and actually diagnose and treat the infection (the Constitution, capitalism and MAGA).


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