Blinken Idiot – IOTW Report

Blinken Idiot

30 Comments on Blinken Idiot

  1. That’s a damn shame when Russians are better at comebacks than the Americans.

    That would NEVER have happened back in the day when they were Communist and the United States was not.

  2. The poofters who have been installed to run this once great nation are the most disgraceful mediocrities seen in this or much of the last century.

    If only we could vote our way out of this.

  3. Vlad loves your comments. He says you should pack up your trailer home & move to the Motherland. He’ll give you just enough time to unpack before sending you to the front. Love live the Motherland & all comrade mofos.

  4. Hey Anonymous, you know who’s really being dragooned, press-ganged and thrown in the meat grinder? Ukrainian men. You’re about as self-aware as Blinken, so maybe you should let mom vet your scribbles before posting. At least she’d correct your grammar and syntax.

  5. Anonymous @1:30pm seems to be a bot. There are other anonymous’s that don’t have that very shallow, stereotype laden and insipidly insulting style. But anonymous @1:30pm has that weakness, vapidity, really, in spades. OMG racism! Spade!

  6. If you support Putin so much why don’t you move out of your mommy’s basement & go fight for him. Russia only lost 8500 paratroopers so far along with just about all their tanks. You can give us a report back about how all that winning feels.

  7. “…why don’t you move out of your mommy’s basement…”

    Lashing out much? I must have struck a nerve lol

    Say, you know whose tanks are completely gone, and who’s begging everybody else for new ones? You really should look up the meaning of the word “projection”. Or ask mom when she brings you hotpockets.

  8. Russia reportedly has lost 250,000 personal, now Ukrainian drones are taking out Russian ships. Soon F-16’s will protect the Ukraine sky’s. Who will help Ukraine, the whole free world, thats who, comrade.

  9. Anonymous at 11:47 pm

    You stupid spoon fed fool. Russia took out the last runway inside the Uke that could launch fighter aircraft this morning. Wada dumb ass.
    And meanwhile Ukrainian men are almost extinct.
    But keep watching CNN fool.

  10. Who says they can’t build a new runway, with America support of course. Yes they don’t have those planes & trained pilots yet. They will in due time. Meanwhile Russia is fighting a losing battle.

  11. “Who says they can’t build a new runway, with America support of course. Yes they don’t have those planes & trained pilots yet. They will in due time. Meanwhile Russia is fighting a losing battle.”

    To damn funny. Thanks for making all my points for me. Good Night. I hope they hang Zelensky in public. THey should let him play the piano with that little dick again first though.

  12. I do oh so much feel your sorrow, knowing your fallen leader is getting a lesson in life about life in DC. He is out of his league, the case remains, the judge remains. Trial date set for 1/24 in DC.


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