The Trudeaus Are… Well… – IOTW Report

The Trudeaus Are… Well…

36 Comments on The Trudeaus Are… Well…

  1. Just when you think he couldn’t get any more faggy. No straight man has a lisping, nasal, whiny voice like that. His effeminate mannerisms also screamed faggot.

    His whore wife got dicked down by actor Idris Elba back in 2020 and gave him Covid. Prolly gave him the AIDS, too.

  2. OT:but I need to rant.

    More of my ongoing fight with the local American Legion Post.

    First my opinion of who and what the board members are, at least 3 of them anyway who are defending a drag show publicly on social media. The top guy the commander or 1st vice, they keep changing their titles and it’s true I’m not a veteran, so not a member of the Legion, so I don’t know how all of that works.
    Anyway I believe the top guy is a closet homosexual claiming to be heterosexual and a Christian. He’s also a whiny little b. crying that people are so mean to him and questioning his faith, his leadership abilities and calling him evil. Yeah a few have said if you’re a true Christian you would not condone this, much less book this. Many, including myself have called the event itself evil. Many have also told him that his leadership is going to cause the doors of this post to shut down. I went back through his personal posts on FB and whining is something he’s good at. He did a lot of whining during covid that we were killing Grandma. Then when for a few weeks they were claiming covid was making a comeback that he seen a lot of people in WalMart wearing masks and getting shots and he loved seeing it.

    The second in command, I think is a practicing homosexual who pretends he isn’t. He’s the one who pushed them having the drag show, he’s the one who gleefully says it was his idea and he booked it while others stood in the background because it wasn’t his thing. He tells everyone he was in the marines and fought for LGBTQ+ rights and freedoms. Anyone who didn’t serve don’t know what that oath means, funny I looked at the oath and it says nothing about LGBTQ+.

    The third guy who is a fence sitter, just likes to say how important he is to the veteran community and how unimportant the community, non-veterans and veterans alike if they’re not members are to the Legion.

    So where we are today is they still say they’re having the drag show and that they fought for rights of the LGBTQ+ community. They say they have hired armed guards, the veteran members attending will be armed and that they’ve notified the local police that there probably will be problems. So as I told the guy who answered the phone at the State Legion department, I guess now we’re going to have vets shooting vets in our community. I guess just like this administration now parents, grandparents, Christians, anyone who disagrees with them is their domestic enemy.

    I’ve been in contact with the national Legion and was told it was a state issue I would have to contact them. I contacted the state and was told it was an individual post’s issue and they could do nothing about it. Then he followed up with the commander and state board were aware and they were also aware of how many in the community and the state were upset. They were also aware of how many veterans and Legion members were upset and that were taking steps to address it, but he couldn’t tell me anymore than that or state his opinion, that he just answers the phone. He admitted they’re receiving so many phone calls they’ve had to bring in more people to answer the phone.

    So it seems as if everyone is passing the buck and nobody at any level of the American Legion is willing to stand up for what’s right.

    Like I told him though I’m an old lady who has been supporting the American Legion since I was a kid and my Mom took me to every fundraiser they ever had, if they don’t do what’s right that support ends today. My support has already ended for the local post, unless the entire board steps down and new leadership apologizes to the members, veterans and entire community for what the previous board did.

    I never thought this woke, sick, perverted, evil crap would come to my area.

  3. Jerry Manderin at 12:02 pm

    Can’t imagine why he’s getting a divorce.

    I can, no straight woman wants to share her man with another male. That’s why Barack and Michael are still together, they seem to like the gay life.

  4. ORWW

    Wow. A couple questions. With out being to specific, what is your area? I’m assuming children will be invited. What is the venue? Inside or out? Were they required to get a permit to hold this event.

    “They say they have hired armed guards, the veteran members attending will be armed and that they’ve notified the local police that there probably will be problems”

    That’s almost a threat. What the Chief of Police have to say about this? If a permit was issued is the county or city aware of the liability they’re about to face.
    BFH should make a thread out of this so we can brain storm.

  5. Brad, they don’t have to have permits that I’m aware of. I’m not well versed on the city rules, but from looking at what I could find and asking the mayor today when I saw him in a local farm store, permits are not needed for a non-profit to host a fundraiser. The mayor told me that he doesn’t condone it and truly wishes they had not chosen to do this and wished they had asked the city leaders what their thoughts were on it. He’s a wuss though and will tell somebody all for it what they want to hear.

    I called the police station wasn’t able to talk to chief, but the person I talked to said all they were told was that there may be protests and that the post was informed they would see that it was peaceful from both sides, but that since it was a public event, they would not stop protesters.

    At first the event poster said all welcome, then when they realized what off the bat how many people were calling them groomers and pedophiles, they removed all welcome. Then they started saying it was 21+.

    The third guy was whining on his personal FB page that he had to sit through a sermon with the pastor preaching on the evil that the American Legion of all people were bringing into their city and was quoting scripture to try and justify his sermon. He whined that friends didn’t sit by him and everyone glared at him all for just doing what is right.

    The first guy is now claiming he’s had threats and is avoiding public places and that friends have told him they can’t condone his actions, but will pray for him. When he provided screenshots, the worst threat was you will pay one day when you answer to God. Several telling him he was a faggot. There was one e-mail that said they were going to be their recording every man who went in so the community could know who the queers in town were. The very few who are openly supporting them in comments it’s lesbians and drag show queens, their biggest supporter is the head drag queen who owns the drag show who says he’s been an out of the closet proud Gay man who identifies as genderqueer for 25 years.

    This is Northeast Oklahoma, a very conservative part of the state.
    They’re going to be inside.

    I was out of town, but I was told that their Friday night fish night was almost empty and their steak nights and fish nights are always packed. I was also told by one of the members that this morning over 60% of their members turned in their card, that there was a line waiting when they opened. So far nobody besides the board have said any members voted to have the show. Every member I’ve seen said they knew nothing about this until they posted the event on FB.

  6. Brad, as soon as I finished the post I received an e-mail back from the State Commander Brett Martin. He asked me to give him a phone call and that the event has been cancelled.
    He told me that he talked to them all day and told them they were bringing disgrace to the Legion and that is not what the Legion has ever been about. The legion has always been about God, Country, Veterans and community, that they work with communities to make them better. He said they were going to make a post and that they said they didn’t want to give into public pressure and that he told them you might make some money, but in the long run you’re going to lose and in a year your building likely won’t even be open. So I went and read their post and it doesn’t sound like they care and are butt hurt about it. So I doubt their building will be open in a year. I am sending a donation to the State American Legion to show my gratitude and will include their address if anyone wants to do the same.

    The address:
    American Legion Department of Oklahoma
    6101 NW 50th Street Suite A
    Warr Acres, OK 73122

    Here is a copy and paste of the local Post’s FB post.

    Open Letter to the Community:
    The American Legion Post 182 Executive Board and the State Department of the American Legion had a discussion concerning the event scheduled for August 12. Based on a concern for the safety of those in attendance we have decided to cancel the event. For those that have purchased advance seating please see the bartender for a complete refund.
    Post 182 will continue to support the community as it always has for the past 122 years. That support has been felt by the Public School System, Our Veterans, and our community. Our post will continue to focus on the belief that there is no rank or prejudice, but only purpose. We will continue to believe that a Veteran is a Veteran. We will continue to believe the purpose of Veterans is to strengthen the United States of America through programs, services, compassion, and actions.
    The American Legion Sullivan/Lewis Post 182 will remain a post free of prejudice and we welcome all in our community to come out and see what we do. We will make a point to share our value and commitment to our community, rather than work in the shadows as we have done in the past.
    The work that we have done and will continue to do does come at a cost, and our Post, like every other Post throughout America, relies on the support of the community so these services can continue. Bottom line, we want to be a good community partner to ALL in our community.
    We apologize for the short notice for cancellation and hope that those that stand by us will continue to do so and support our future events. Those events include an “Open Mic Comedy Night”, “Open Mic Music” for those up-and-coming artists in our community, and the live bands we have schedule each month.
    Tim Lawson, Commander American Legion Post 182

  7. ORWW

    So I gather the venue is the VFW hall? I’m shocked the VFW members would allow this.
    It would be interesting to ask the number one guy exactly what he’s trying to accomplish here? Besides destroying his post and creating friction with in the community. He’s definitely a closet faggot. And NOW he’s arming people? WTF?

  8. ORWW
    Way to go. Hopefully they replace that command in order to save the post.
    How do figure an older guy like that, an Ex Marine, suddenly wanting to put on a dress and make up. I don’t get it.

  9. Brad, apparently they’re determined they’re not stepping down and are going to come out of the closet in support of LGBTQ+ and are telling a totally different story than the State Commander told me about his conversations with them. I know none of them personally, but I’m going to believe the State Commander over them, because they have told lie after lie since posting this event and their story changes mid paragraph.
    They keep claiming it was all about safety and that threats had reached the state level. The state commander never mentioned any threats, he said he told them they were not honoring God, vets, the Legion or their community and that if they hold the event he can almost promise within a year their doors would be closed and still might be if they don’t handle it correctly. He said he was waiting to see if they did so and didn’t sound like he had a lot of hope they would and he was right.
    He said they had received a lot complaints from the community, vets and members from all over the state.

  10. Brad, also I was just told they have lost 80% of their members and was contacted by their larger supporter in the county and told he had told him he was withdrawing all of his support and their share would now go another post.
    Now they do have a faggot guy who said he was donating them $5000. So I guess we’ll see.

  11. Different Tim from what I was told by two different people from the State office it wasn’t me, but the totality of people who called and e-mailed. Although the state commander said he’s been trying to get it stopped since he first learned of it, which was last Friday before he had received even one complaint.

    I did call and e-mail a lot of people, not just in the American Legion, but kept getting told they couldn’t do anything about it.

    I kept all of it civil and never personally attacked anyone, the worst I did was say that if you’re a woman supporting this then you obviously are fine with women being cancelled, if you’re a man wanting to go men in dresses grind and grab their junk, then you’re obviously a homosexual and if you say your Christian and support this then you need to dust off your Bible.


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