Mitch McConnell Heckled During Speech With ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants – IOTW Report

Mitch McConnell Heckled During Speech With ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants

Gateway Pundit:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was interrupted and heckled for five straight minutes during his speech in his home state at the St. Jerome Fancy Farm Picnic on Saturday, a premier political event in Kentucky.

Instead of a respectful silence, the audience delivered a relentless, clear, and loud message for a full five minutes, drowning out his speech.

Foot-stomping and chants echoed around the venue, making it abundantly clear that the senator’s reception was far from warm in his home state. He is done.

The dissenting voices underscore the sentiment that McConnell, at 81 years old and with nearly four decades of senatorial service, is more of a representative of Washington’s political ‘Swamp’ than the average American he’s supposed to represent. more

21 Comments on Mitch McConnell Heckled During Speech With ‘Retire’ and ‘Ditch Mitch’ Chants

  1. TN “free ads” by Mitch elected” feterneck, Hobbs, Kelly, and Warnock!

    As El Rusbo said 25 years ago; updating. Mitch is a “BUSH REPUBLICAN”. BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEMOCRATS. ALL THOSE HE ELECTED ABOVE ARE D! ALL! ?@#$!

  2. Dominion, media, and CCP notwithstanding (all the same thing, I know), it would be nice if one occasion such as this would inspire his final stroke so we could see his eyes just as he sees hell open it’s eager arms to him for the last time before he falls and his shattering glasses slice into his face and eyes as he breaks his nose and shits and pisses himself, and otherwise makes a LOT of work for his mortician on the way out, his Communist masters can’t buy his way out of THAT…

  3. Kentucky has a law that says if there is a Senator vacancy, the Governor has to appoint a replacement of the same party as the Senator that died or retired. It would be a RINO, but a junior Senator couldn’t do as much harm as Mitch.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine AT 1:48 PM
    “If that is true anon at 1:33, it is good to hear since somehow KY has a dem as governor now.”

    …the ‘election’ of ‘governor’ Beshear was a test run for the election fraud they used to foist Pedophile on us, both by the cheating methods used and the raw cheekiness of the cheat, apparently to see if people in a state normally known for its rednecks would passively accept a fraudulent election as long as they had a convenient lie to go with it.

    The answer turned out to be “Yes, yes they would”, and they went on to steal the American Presidency using the same model.

    …the main lie for this one was that “well, the teacher’s union didn’t like former Republican Governor Bevin because he said their pension fund needed to be something less than the entire Kentucky state budget, and they are SO powerful they can decide who will be Governor even though ALL of the DOWN TICKET races went Republican, INCLUDING the State House.

    …look around at that election, there’s too much to get into, but if you review it you can see it’s clearly a template for being able to pretend Pedo Joe got 81 gajillion voats.

    Whoever or whatever chose Beshear for Governor, it wasn’t the voters in Kentucky.

    Not that it matters in this case, as whatever Democrat Mitch is replaced with can’t POSSIBLY be more a a Communist Chinese tool than Mitch himself is, and at least wouldn’t have the powah of the leadership to go with…

  5. He’ll neber give up his powers until he’s dead. None of them will. There’s a few that are far worse off than McConnell – Piglosi, Feinstein, Fetterman just to name a few. Gingsberg had cancer for a few years while acting as a Scotus. Everyonr’s days are numbered.


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