UK Could Send Migrants to Remote Atlantic Island Ascension as Rwanda Plan Falters – IOTW Report

UK Could Send Migrants to Remote Atlantic Island Ascension as Rwanda Plan Falters

Breitbart: The United Kingdom wants to offshore migrant housing to disincentivise Channel boat crossings, but its much-vaunted plan to subcontract housing to Rwanda appears to be stuck in the weeds, so the government is looking to the final rocky outcrops of the former empire for unappealing but safe housing instead.

The British Overseas Territory of Ascension Island, a small volcanic outcrop in the South Atlantic between Brazil and Angola could be used by the British government as housing for some of the thousands of migrants who enter the country ‘irregularly’ across the southern border every year. The Conservative Party government struck upon the idea of disincentivising migrant arrivals by making their state-funded accommodation after they entered the country on people-smuggler boats less appealing in 2022, but the programme never got off the ground after a series of legal challenges were mounted to protect migrants by campaign groups.

At present, courts have said housing migrants offshore is legal, but not in Africa’s Rwanda specifically because — despite what the government says — it is not a ‘safe’ country.

Now Suella Braverman’s Home Office is preparing “plan B”, keeping the principle of the plan but changing the destination, and — they hope — circumventing the legal issues of going abroad by using a British Overseas Territory. The Times reports Ascension Island 4,000 miles away from the United Kingdom is “one of” those being assessed as an asylum seeker processing centre, stating “Ministers believed its remote location would create a strong deterrent factor for migrants planning to cross the Channel in small boats.” MORE

5 Comments on UK Could Send Migrants to Remote Atlantic Island Ascension as Rwanda Plan Falters

  1. I’m sure the migrant support groups will mandate (and subsequently ruin) cruise ships for transport to the island of subsidized living…

    Deterrent my ass! Idiots.

  2. …seriously, only NOW does it occur to you that your tiny North Atlantic island state can’t host the ENTIRE Islamic population of Africa, SE Asia, and Pakistan to name but a few? You think that NOW you can save what’s left of England by limiting the FURTHER immigration of military age males to it?

    …dude, that ship done sailed, sank, was rediscovered by James Cameron, had several movies made out of it, and a bunch of billionares died trying to be deep-sea tourists around it.

    Stop photographing its rotting hull and do something about getting rid of the illegals you have NOW, because there AIN’T gonna be a Western World to immigrate to that’s going to look ANY different from the shitholes they’re leaving if ONE country doesn’t start jettisoning its wretched refuse…


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