Funniest IRS j😆ke you’ll hear today – IOTW Report

Funniest IRS j😆ke you’ll hear today

Revolver:Taking a breather and sharing a chuckle is a must in these chaotic times. With all the doom and gloom, turmoil, and pessimism that often fills the headlines, particularly in Biden’s depressing version of America, stumbling upon something that brings a smile and eases the tension is worth passing along, right? That’s why when we stumbled upon this amusing IRS joke, we thought you’d enjoy it just as much as we did. And now, without any more delay, here’s today’s finest IRS joke:

7 Comments on Funniest IRS j😆ke you’ll hear today

  1. That is funny. Now tell me a good one about the FBI. Since some queer in his 60’s is telling everyone who spoke against a Drag Show that he’s contacting the Oklahoma FBI. lol

  2. “Gambling winnings” are income under the Internal Revenue Code. This flopped the whole joke for me. There’s a version of this very old haha that I heard years ago that actually works but I don’t remember it.


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