Seattle Public Schools Offer Free ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ to Kids – IOTW Report

Seattle Public Schools Offer Free ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ to Kids

WFB: Two Seattle public schools are offering free “gender-affirming care” to students as young as 11, while also instructing staff to hide students’ gender identity from their parents.

Both Meany Middle School and Nova High School’s medical centers list “gender-affirming care” as one of its services offered “conveniently at the school,” though they do not specify what that “care” entails. Both clinics are operated by Country Doctor Community Health Centers, which includes in its “gender-affirming care” services referrals for sex-change surgeries, “hormone therapy for adolescents,” and “assistance obtaining mental health letters of support for gender-affirming procedures.”

Staff at these schools are also instructed, per Seattle Public School District policy, to hide students’ gender identity from their parents, according to documents obtained by Parents Defending Education. It is unclear if the schools inform parents when a child seeks “gender-affirming care” at these clinics. more here

15 Comments on Seattle Public Schools Offer Free ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ to Kids

  1. Alternative high schools have always seemed to be where they send all the misfits and freaks that don’t fit into a regular HS. They are a school for losers who couldn’t make it in a regular HS so they have schools run by freaky teachers who also don’t fit into a regular HS curriculum. I have never heard anything good about any alternative HS.

  2. I’ve got yer gender affirming care right HERE:

    Hey, kid. Those thinga you’ve got there are a penis and testicles.
    You’re a boy.
    You’re a BOY.

    And you. Yes, YOU. What you’ve got there are a vulva and a vagina.
    You’re a girl.
    You’re a GIRL.

    There. Now wasn’t that affirming? Cheap, too.

  3. Why hide it from the parents if it’s so innocent? The public pressure against “Gender Mengele Care,” (GMC) needs to start shifting towards the greedy Dr. Moreaus who perform such abominations.

  4. Far too many evil doctors. I guess didn’t understand their oath of first do no harm.
    Much like some of these veterans who claim they took an oath for everyone’s freedoms and then get butt hurt when you tell them their oath was to defend the constitution from foreign and domestic enemies. Nowhere in the constitution does it mention queers and I would argue the LGBTQ+ mafia are domestic enemies.

    Something else I would like explained is how in the heck do you go to the military and become a leftist who hates and is scared of guns and want men sticking things in your butt?

  5. We’re all adults here, right?
    I’m not a man, don’t want to be. OK, got that all done.
    It has been my observation that men (any man) protect their “family jewels” from danger. It’s OK, just a normal response to a possible hurt.
    So, how can a man allow his own son to mutilate his body by removing his little “family jewels”

  6. Seems like Communism has completely absorbed the left coast.
    Damn shame.
    Also, it seems that preventing the continuation of certain linages through genital mutilation isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
    Should start with Hunter S. Biden.


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