The FBI Knew In 2018 Chinese Intelligence Was In Contact With The Bidens – DOJ Buried The Evidence – IOTW Report

The FBI Knew In 2018 Chinese Intelligence Was In Contact With The Bidens – DOJ Buried The Evidence


Patrick Ho was a senior official with a Chinese intelligence front company called CEFC China Energy. CEFC was part of China’s “elite capture” operations worldwide. It facilitated the compromise and recruitment of influential individuals in target countries. The intent was to gain control over those individuals and get them to support the interests of Communist China, not their own nations.

Ho was investigated by the FBI. He was determined to be bribing officials at the United Nations in New York. He was tried and convicted and sent to prison.  During the course of the same investigation, the FBI determined that the Bidens were in contact with Ho and that Ho was, in the FBI’s opinion, targeting the Bidens for recruitment as part of China’s “elite capture” operations.

The FBI did not investigate and follow up on this information. Instead, the Department of Justice acted to redact any references to the Bidens from court documents during the prosecution of Ho. Patrick Ho was put behind bars. His connection to the Bidens was buried. more

13 Comments on The FBI Knew In 2018 Chinese Intelligence Was In Contact With The Bidens – DOJ Buried The Evidence

  1. FBI, DOJ — Yet a couple more DC departments used against Americans and needing to be nixed. Power corrupts… proved again. DC should be cut back to Constitution size.

  2. So what is the FBI’s cut?
    It can’t be ideology – greed, perversion, and avarice have NO ideology.
    Why do the “rank and file” put up with this shit? No integrity, whatsoever?

    Another criminal family hiding under the socialist banner? Like the Clintons, the Kennedys, the Schumers, the Pelosis, the Reids, the McConnells, the Romneys, the Waters, and the Gates?

    Straight up Satanism?

    Sell out your country and your immortal soul for a cup of rice?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. 2018, during Donny’s Supreme Rein. What the hey? So let me fully understand this, Doony’s FBCry big time & Doony’s DOInjustice, were where? With who & did what? So Doony is the victim here? The twist here is, it went from the so-called party
    of law n’ order to the party of complete disorder with our Supreme Dick Tator-twat, Mr Bigly Mc Don. No, FBI, no CIA, no DOJ no Military leaders, only Don the Con in 2024, oh so thats the plan. Is that so. Talk bout a dumbass wetdream. Mo kool-aid will be needed first.
    Please splain to me Lucy bout all the undercover China & exactly how China is being helped, need more proof. Putting boots on first.

  4. Anonymous,
    The FBI has been a criminal organization from its inception.
    It was formed by Roosevelt when Congress was out and could not approve/disapprove.
    No matter who’s in charge, the FBI has its own agenda – spying and conniving against the United States – unleashing its agents of provocation for whoever rewards them. They worked against the interests of the United States in WWII because of turf wars between Hoover, the Sec.State, and Donovan.

    You’re a naive ideologue who can’t stop obsessing over President Trump to even read the fucking article. Send him a fucking valentine, for pity’s sake.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Learn to read, but you know what I am talking about. Right here right now the chatter is to de-fund every 3 letter gummerment agency & put Donny in charge. 🤮
    No tanks.


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