America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders – IOTW Report

America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders

JTN: America First Legal announced on Tuesday that it had filed a lawsuit against retail giant Target for allegedly misleading shareholders with false statements about its political/social risk monitoring.

“Target’s management has misled investors, assuring them that the corporation oversees social and political issues and risks to protect shareholders,” AFL stated. “Behind closed doors, Target works for its extremist hard-left ‘stakeholders’ at the expense of its customers and shareholders.”

At issue is a recent multi-billion loss stemming from a consumer boycott in response to the company’s featuring Pride merchandise marketed toward children in June.

“In its 2022 and 2023 Proxy Statements, Target assured shareholders and investors that the Board was monitoring for social and political issues and risks arising from the company’s ESG mandates,” AFL tweeted. “However, management only cared whether its leftist ‘stakeholders’ were satisfied, disregarding the possibility that its customers and shareholders might feel differently.” more

4 Comments on America First Legal sues Target for allegedly misleading shareholders

  1. I need a pep talk. This has been one hell of a day.

    This morning I was sent a screenshot from a video the drag queens or the rainbow brigade as I was told had made on tik tok. I guess back in April I mistakenly made a post public that I shared with my daughter. My granddaughter had my camera and took pictures with it, one of the pictures she took of herself.
    The sorry bastards could only find that one post because my FB is private and mainly for family and close friends. The local newsstation was coming to the American Legion, another lady begged me to go meet with them at a local restaurant. I agreed as long as I wasn’t on camera. I’m not personally scared of them and laugh at their threats that they hate me and want to shoot me. However, they now know my daughter’s name and my granddaughter’s name and her photo.
    The little young boy who gave me vibes of being a queer liberal refused to interview me if I wouldn’t go on camera, he refused to look at threats made or the screenshot they sent because he couldn’t verify it. I told him my belief is he’s like all media and he only wants it to be about how badly the poor Drag Queens were treated.

    These people are more evil than I realized.


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