Manchin says he is ‘thinking seriously’ about leaving Democratic Party before 2024 election – IOTW Report

Manchin says he is ‘thinking seriously’ about leaving Democratic Party before 2024 election

JTN: West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin said Thursday that he is “thinking seriously” about leaving the Democratic Party and becoming an independent before the 2024 election. 

“I’m thinking seriously. For me, I have to have peace of mind, basically,” Manchin, who previously described himself as an independent Democrat, told West Virginia radio host Hoppy Kercheval, according to The Hill

“The brand has become so bad — the D brand and R brand. In West Virginia, the D brand because it’s [the] national brand. It’s not the Democrats in West Virginia, it’s the Democrats in Washington,” he also said. “You’ve heard me say a million times I’m not a Washington Democrat.”

Manchin also said he has been thinking about leaving the Democratic Party “for quite some time,” but he has not made any decisions about his political direction yet.  more

23 Comments on Manchin says he is ‘thinking seriously’ about leaving Democratic Party before 2024 election

  1. If Sen. Joe Manchin leaves the Demoncrat party there will be another candidate that takes over his position. You see, once a Demoncratic, always a Demoncrat.
    Joe needs to be a spokesman for what’s left of the Demoncrat party. If you are a hard core Demoncrat, you need to vote for Joe without crossong party lines. Joe is the last Demoncrat line that supports our Constitution. Please pray for Joe and his family

  2. Going from a Democratic whore who sold his votes and was betrayed by the Biden Administration. Now contemplating the switch to a slightly less of an “independent” whore willing to sell his vote for whatever he can get, but being smarter about it.

    Hey Joe, You are a whore who was played like a chump by Biden and Biden’s handlers. Schummer knows it, you know it and they know it.

    A whore is a whore whether there’s a “D”, “R” or an “I” behind your name.

  3. Being an “I” is just being a “D”em Lite.
    Much like being a “R”INO.

  4. Never forget, this POS’s daughter was the ceo of some pharmaceutical company that produced Epipens. Under her orders they raised the price of that product 1000%. The court system had to shoot that down. Not a lot of compassion going on there for her fellow man. Their trailer trash just like the Bidens. Except they occasionally bathe.

  5. I can’t stand him and believe he’s toast anyway.

    BTW, anyone seen the new O’Keefe whistleblower story? Best Buy is racist against whites, offering training but only to those who identify as Black, Latino, Hispanic, Asian or Island Pacific. They’re also anti-Christian, force Christian geek squad members to attend LGBTQ workshops and don’t allow them to display crosses.

  6. Whatever, Hillbilly Hamlet. Don’t strain your brain thinking too seriously. Nobody cares what you do anymore. You missed your chance at relevance years ago.

    And I’m sure there’s a lot of shit with your name on it in West Virginia, but some of it might get renamed if you quit the Dems. There’s something serious to think about.

  7. Nyheheheheee, good one Hammy. I bet he’s got a lot man on his chin.

    I gotta’ start callin Meg, Megchin.

    “shut up, Megchin.” it just feels right. Hell I’ll call this douche Megchin too.

  8. I’ve gone from R to D for federal elections in the shithole state of IL. R votes here are meaningless. Starting to vote uber prog in local elections as well to sink this state as fast as possible. Fuck em all, I’m a scorched earth type.

  9. Joe wants more swag from the Ukraine laundering business. The Retarded Pedophile Usurper and Nancy must be holding out on him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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