Ecuadorian presidential candidate gunned down at political rally – IOTW Report

Ecuadorian presidential candidate gunned down at political rally

JTN: Ecuadorian presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio was shot and killed on Wednesday at a political rally in Quito.

“I assure you that this crime will not go unpunished,” President Guillermo Lasso vowed after confirming Villavicencio’s death, according to the Associated Press. “Organized crime has gone too far, but they will feel the full weight of the law.”

A suspect in the assassination has died of wounds sustained during the incident, the attorney general’s office confirmed.  more

SNIP: There are videos of the assassination but I’m reading they’re a little sketchy.

10 Comments on Ecuadorian presidential candidate gunned down at political rally

  1. In leftist controlled countries the only way to escape the oppression -no gas stoves for you, government apparat keeps theirs- -lockdowns and violent enforcement on you, minions of government party on wherever they wish- -you possess a firearm illegally, into the slammer with you, they get a walk with a shmoozy agreement not to commit any more crimes for a period of time- is to be a member of the ruling gang.

    In such a criminal enterprise those in power will do whatever is necessary to retain that power and to prevent any upstarts getting any power. -prosecute your opponent if you allow sham elections like we do here in the US- if necessary assassinate your opponent(s) on the campaign trail.

    Trump and RFK Jr. One can imagine the henchmen of the deep state (AKA democrat party) just salivating over the opportunity to make a few extra bucks snuffing those high value targets.

  2. I keep expecting an attempt on TRUMP with all the nasty-assed weirdos running around the (mostly peaceful) leftist demo-crap party. Did I mention “Mostly peaceful”

  3. Ecuador is sliding quickly into a Mexican cartel led takeover attempt. It’s not so much a civil war as it is an invasion with collaborators. Complicating things is Correa and the Left, who invited the Mexicans and every other low-life criminal in the region — and the Chinese — to set up shop in Ecuador during his ten-year regime. They have gone beyond simply breaking the country. They want to punish the populace for not yet demanding Correa’s triumphant return.

    Even after ten years, Correa was unable to consolidate control over the country and its citizens. It is a country defined by its divisions, which has been a source of both instability and stability. They tend to be patient and long-suffering, but have lost patience with politicians and leaders and resorted to vigilantism in the recent past.

    Everyone knows who the criminals and corrupt officials are. there will be nowhere to hide once things get started.


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