Maui Fire: 1,000 still missing and 55 dead – IOTW Report

Maui Fire: 1,000 still missing and 55 dead

“We have had wildfires, but not in urban space.”


‘There’s around 1,000 missing.

‘It doesn’t mean that many have passed – I’m not saying that at all – but because we can’t contact them we can’t know.’

Green said that cadaver dogs were being brought in from California and Washington to assist the search.

‘We have a family assistance center set up, so anyone missing anyone at all, people can go there and give their details,’ he said.

‘If we can reunify people we will, and give notifications if we need to.’

Green said the destruction in the historic town of Lahaina, which was largely razed to the ground, was barely believable.

Hawaii is experiencing a drought, which provided ample fuel for the blaze: tailwinds from Hurricane Dora created gusts of up to 60mph, meaning there was little warning for many as the fire roared up to their doors. more

18 Comments on Maui Fire: 1,000 still missing and 55 dead

  1. They haven’t even scratched the surface yet on recovering all the deceased and the climate morons are already blaming man made climate change. They should STFU for a while and show a little respect.

  2. CBS was drooling over Oprah because she went to Maui to see how she could help. Said something about her stopping at Walmart for diapers and shampoo. BTW, she has property there.
    Side note: why are there no videos of firetrucks…

  3. @Brad
    I would not be surprised if the Kenyan shadow gang, tries to take advantage of this to blame Donald Trump, who would have done nothing to fight the so-called Turbo-overheating climate change.

  4. We could divert some of the $Billions on the way to the Ukraine to help our own people…..oh, what am I thinking? We just need to wait for the Telethon with a whole bunch of rich Hollywood celebrities virtue signaling.

  5. The Fly

    Let me add an observation to that article. Most of those structure on Front Street were built at the turn of the century. All wood structures. Dry as a bone and stacked one a top another. Maui is ALWAYS in a drought. I don’t think we’ve been there once when it hasn’t been drought conditions. And we’re there a lot. In fact we have a trip scheduled in October which looks like we will need to push out. Lahaina typically has an on shore flow. Unless they have a hurricane parked off shore. A lot of things had to come together all at once for this to happen.

  6. Yeah, the western/southwest side of every Hawaiian island is a desert, the eastern/northeast side is a rainforest. In other words Lahaina is perpetually a desert.
    Reminds me of the Marshall Fire in Boulder, CO in December 2021. I lived there at the time, fortunately a few miles upwind. We KNEW there would be very strong winds that day, about 100 mph where the fire was and maybe 90 where I was. Fire was man-made. It moved fast – several hours later 1,000 buildings were gone, fortunately only 1 or 2 deaths. Probably easier to escape than Lahaina.
    Paradise Fire in northern CA 2018 probably more similar, impossible to escape as it was in a canyon.

  7. LCD

    I watched a Island news report this morning and one of the locals was saying they’re seeing a lot of bodies still floating in the harbor. That death toll is going to go way up. What a tragedy. Very little communication coming from there as all the cell towers are down.

  8. There is probably a higher concentration of US military personnel on Oahu than anywhere in the planet. Why couldn’t they send helicopters and ships to help the evacuation?

  9. I’ve paraglided over Maui many times-if you look at a map, I like the updrafts over what I call The Pinch-as well flown in & out of Kahului. What you see is a thin green strip all along the perimeter of the Island with the entire interior, brown & dry.

    I watched overhead video of the fire in real time and Holy Crap, it was racing. I bet you wouldn’t have been able to outrun it. People say Maui is too tourista, eff ’em, it’s my favorite island. Great beaches, great water and fabulous places to eat fish you’ll never eat anywhere else.


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