FDA Lawyer Admits Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

FDA Lawyer Admits Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19

-Claims FDA Has “Sovereign Immunity” Against Liability for False or Misleading Statements .

GP: On Tuesday, a lawyer representing U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clarified the agency’s stance on the use of Ivermectin for treating COVID-19 patients. The lawyer confirmed that doctors have the authority to prescribe the drug, often referred to as the ‘Wonder Drug’ for off-label use in treating COVID-19.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a group of doctors had filed a federal lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the agencies’ unlawful attempts to block the use of ivermectin in treating COVID-19.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Southern District of Texas in Galveston, argues that the FDA has overstepped its authority and unjustifiably interfered with their medical practice.

The plaintiffs, Drs. Mary Talley Bowden, Paul E. Marik, and Robert L. Apter, are contesting the FDA’s portrayal of ivermectin as dangerous for human consumption. They note that the FDA has approved ivermectin for human use since 1996 for a variety of diseases. However, they allege that with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FDA began releasing documents and social media posts discouraging the use of the anti-viral drug for COVID-19 treatment.

“We’re suing the FDA for lying to the public about ivermectin,” said Dr. Bowden. more

17 Comments on FDA Lawyer Admits Doctors Can Prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19

  1. Do they have “immunity” from snipers?
    Not suggesting anything – just a question.

    Sooner or later, if the “law” keeps being trampled into the shit, some people are going to figure that the “law” doesn’t really exist – that it’s just a means of oppression.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …Anymouse in a PM group once sent me a tweet from somewhere, don’t remember where, where a doctor said something like “Our pediatric hospital now has a stroke team. Let that sink in”.

    …I looked at that and thought, ha, ha, this is hyperbole, there’s now way they…would…ever…need….a….stroke…..team…….in……..a….pediatric………hos…pit…a….


    Damn them.
    Damn those fuckers straight to hell.

  3. The FDA and HHS may have immunity from misleading statements, but I hardly think they have immunity from unlawfully interfering with doctors who tried to prescribe Ivermectin and HCQ, or to prescribe other medications and supplements in combination which proved effective against the genocide “virus”.

    We are certain we were sick with it about mid-November, ’19. It was very mild ‘flu-like stuff. Lasted about 3 days and disappeared. Haven’t had any shots, haven’t been tested for the “virus”. Haven’t been sick since ’19.

  4. Same here,AbigailAdams, we had it in late September 2019. Jennifer was working at Ft.Hood and said there was a strange influenza killing negroes at an alarming rate. Doctor were baffled (this time not a joke).

    Jennifer brought it home the 3rd week of September and it ran through the family.

  5. Doctors could prescribe ivermectin all day long, but the state pharmacy boards made it impossible for those prescriptions to be filled. That’s when people started ordering online from pharmacies in India.

  6. The first real news of Ivermectin started popping up in associated articles on the internet around April, ’20, from a group of researchers in Australia. The efficacy of Ivermectin in myriad treatments was the main thrust of the article, as well as its promising aid in treating Covid.

    Just imagine if Ivermectin had been vigorously explored and used at that early time.

  7. Yes, my bad habit is catching up here on the weekends which eliminates many possible comments when things are many pages down, but here I am.

    Just a thought that I haven’t seen addressed.

    At what pharmacy do you get the Rx filled?,/b>

    The chain/big box store in recent past wouldn’t do it short of finding the old school mom and pop independent you’ll play hell finding it. There are other sources but you have to be creative.

  8. “At what pharmacy do you get the Rx filled?,/b>”

    Here’s a little sumping sumping not a lot of people realize exists. Compounding Pharmacies. Research them, use them, support them. In my sorry opinion I think they’re the only actual medicine evolving in our country right now.

  9. By (at least) the spring of ’21, the FDA and HHS (at the direction of Fauci, et al) had come down so hard on Ivermectin that feed and seed stores had either cleared their shelves of all Ivermectin products or they were all behind locked plexiglas. We checked a couple of these stores just to see for ourselves. I think you had to have a vet’s Rx for your animals in order to purchase it.

  10. When my daughter was doing her clinicals for nurse practitioner she Id’ed one that already had her own practice that I switched to and she’ll write whatever script I need. Two towns over a small family owned pharmacy that will fill anything prescribed.

    Good for now…

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