US Diplomat Threatened To “Kick The Sh*t” Out Of Biden For Groping Wife – IOTW Report

US Diplomat Threatened To “Kick The Sh*t” Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

Former diplomat and US Senator Scott Brown said he threatened to beat then-VP Joe Biden’s ass for getting handsy with his wife.

16 Comments on US Diplomat Threatened To “Kick The Sh*t” Out Of Biden For Groping Wife

  1. biden* is a fucking evil sociopath dirtbag of the highest order.
    He steals honorable men’s words through plagiarism.
    He cops feels of women AND CHILDREN.
    He sniffs them, caresses them and showers with a child.
    He swims nude in front of women Secret Service because he can, who will stop him?
    I hope he has a deadly brain aneurism the next time he tries that shit.

    FUCK joe biden*!!!

  2. Most politicos and DC maggots are honored to have their wives and toddlers groped (and fucked) by the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey – otherwise why would they bring their loved ones anywhere near him?

    All the chinks who wanted to rise in the CCP took their toddler daughters to Mao tse Dung so he could fuck them – same party, same apparatchik mentality, different country.

    Pretty certain the SS and FBI guys are carrying their toddler daughters and granddaughters (maybe sons and grandsons) to the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey’s bedroom.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The BEST response is the Wife pulling away and SLAPPING Biden across the Face instantly with the witnesses present.

    1) Immediately conveys her sentiment
    2) He Can’t do shit in response
    3) He might actually learn something.

  4. kcir – 3) He might actually learn something.

    Nope. That would be like spanking the dog after 15 years of shitting on the carpet.
    He wouldn’t understand and it would be totally pointless… although in the case of Biden it would be totally satisfying.

  5. A fitting display of Jackass Joe in the National Presidential Wax Museum would be a blue cap sitting on top of a pair of shoes…

    Joe Biden after he’s had the shit kicked out of him!


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