UK police to take ‘no further action’ in ‘criminal investigation’ into autistic girl who said officer looked like her “lesbian nana.” – IOTW Report

UK police to take ‘no further action’ in ‘criminal investigation’ into autistic girl who said officer looked like her “lesbian nana.”

Human Events-

On Friday, West Yorkshire Police announced that it was dropping charges on a 16-year-old autistic girl who was brutally arrested earlier this week when a female officer accused her of “homophobia” after she allegedly said, “I think she’s a lesbian” about the officer. 

In a statement posted to Social Media police said it “has now reviewed the evidence and made the decision to take no further action.” The statement added, “This concludes the criminal investigation and immediately releases the girl from her bail. Her family has been updated.” more here

15 Comments on UK police to take ‘no further action’ in ‘criminal investigation’ into autistic girl who said officer looked like her “lesbian nana.”

  1. How is it a crime to point out the obvious. If she doesn’t want people to say she looks like their lesbian nana, then she should stop looking like someone’s lesbian nana.

    LOL. Circa 2013/2014 when it seemed like everyone was cutting their hair (See Kelly Cuoco of TBBT), I got an ill advised short haircut (think Jennifer Lawrence ca 2013). My son who was in 10th or 11th grade at the time, told me that I looked like his lesbian calculus teacher. Whatever. I just laughed and asked him how lesbian calculus was different to regular calculus. No tears were shed, no butt hurtness ensued and no hate crime was committed. And most importantly, my hair grew back.

  2. So … Is she a lesbian? If So what hate crime is it to identify someone for being what they are? If not then the post above this is spot on … get a haircut that makes you look normal…

  3. Virtually all English women are lesbians to one degree or another. All of the good ones married GI’s and came to America. With all the girly English males out there, I guess it’s no wonder they turned to the lesbian lifestyle.

  4. Think about it.

    IF the Young girl said that she “looked like her lesbian Nanna,” then the reality is that this Girl was part of a “wokeish” upbringing that the Coppers have just attacked.

    The girls words were not derogatory, just OBSERVATIONAL.

    So, what do you think the girls attitude towards women that “LOOK LIKE HER NANNA” have Developed into?

    Shot yourselves in the foot there, eh England?

  5. I dunno’, maybe the nana is bi. I mean it’s fruit. Not sure how nanas reproduce…but I’m fairly certain the lesbian ones have little part in that.

  6. Why do lesbians take offense at the obvious being pointed out?
    That homosexual cop should have been glad her chosen lifestyle is so clear to the public.
    She does look like a lesbian.
    Like a bit**y lesbian.


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