Gateway Pundit Attorneys Release Statement in Response to Fani Willis’s Lies, Misrepresentations of Fraud and Ballot Stuffing at State Farm Center in 2020 – IOTW Report

Gateway Pundit Attorneys Release Statement in Response to Fani Willis’s Lies, Misrepresentations of Fraud and Ballot Stuffing at State Farm Center in 2020

GP: The Fulton County, GA indictment of President Trump is a political vendetta and show trial reminiscent of the Soviet Show Trials of the 1930s. Americans have long prided themselves that something like that spectacle and mockery of the judicial system could not happen here. Well, we can pride ourselves on this no longer.

Prosecutors at the state and federal levels are abusing their powers to serve the interests of their political party and the oligarchs who ultimately run this nation. These political prosecutions are an abomination and undermine justice and the rule of law. They erode the public’s faith in the supposed equal and fair application of the law. The weaponization of the “justice system” is a blight on our Republic and the American system of governance.

A substantial portion of the prosecution’s case focuses on attacking President Trump and his attorneys and allies for drawing attention to clearly suspicious conduct throughout election day, 2020, at the State Farm Center. This suspicious conduct was captured by surveillance footage. The footage speaks for itself and anyone can review it to see it: more

11 Comments on Gateway Pundit Attorneys Release Statement in Response to Fani Willis’s Lies, Misrepresentations of Fraud and Ballot Stuffing at State Farm Center in 2020

  1. I think we should bring back stoning. Or better yet, perhaps allowing citizens of the district of the rep/senator (executives too…mayors, governors etc.) in question to be able to give said politician one free shot, per term, with a baseball bat when they step out of line. Think of it as incentive. Just spitballing though.

  2. And there we go. Everyone else is lying except honest Don? Oh please! Not buying that pile of… for darn second. Just can’t wait for his load of BS report on Monday. Word is he’ll be just digging himself deeper in.

  3. @LBS

    Not saying ya’ll can’t. I’m just basing my opinions on past experiences running websites. And I can tell some of the anons apart simply by observing content, syntax and for damn sure spelling.

    Like I said, just voicing a concern. This is the first site on which I’ve consistently commented in about 15 years.


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