Artificial Intelligence Technology Spurred Wrongful Arrest of Pregnant Woman: Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Artificial Intelligence Technology Spurred Wrongful Arrest of Pregnant Woman: Lawsuit


Artificial intelligence-powered facial recognition technology led to the wrongful arrest of an eight-month pregnant woman, a lawsuit states. Police officers arrested Porcha Woodruff, a mother of three from Detroit, for a “violent carjacking.” more

10 Comments on Artificial Intelligence Technology Spurred Wrongful Arrest of Pregnant Woman: Lawsuit

  1. Yep – Just follow the AI which you think is smarter than you, and ignore any other significant aspects of the suspect.

    I wonder if AI facial recognition would have ended up getting Trudeau thrown in prison during his multiple blackface episodes.

  2. The part everyone keeps missing about Artificial Intelligence is that it’s programmed by Real People.

    So whatever mistakes, miscalculations, and biases they have, the AI will have too…

  3. “Woodruff, 32, who was living with her fiancé and two kids, was implicated as a suspect through a photo lineup shown to the victim ‘following an unreliable facial recognition match,’ the lawsuit says.

    “The photo used in the lineup was an 8-year-old mug shot from a 2015 arrest in Canton, Michigan, despite police having access to a more recent photo in her driver’s license, according to the lawsuit…”

    * * *

    The alleged perp was ALSO picked out from her past mug shot. So what you have here, more than AI, is a stupid affirmative action (?) woman cop, Detective LaShauntia Oliver, who used an old picture and didn’t have the intelligence to properly investigate, as well as an idiot victim who apparently picked up an unknown prostitute so casually that he couldn’t remember what she looked like.

  4. GIGO.
    Garbage In; Garbage Out.

    Programmers have known GIGO since Al Gore invented the computer (or was it Brian Williams?).

    AI is bullshit. And to use it in this manner is criminal.

    Sadly, the taxpayers will take it up the ass when she wins – none of the idiots and malefactors will suffer any consequences, whatsoever.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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