Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya Resigns – IOTW Report

Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya Resigns

after choosing to not sound sirens as wildfires raged

12 Comments on Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya Resigns

  1. He should be sued for every dime he’s worth to help pay for rebuilding the town, and put on a chain gang as a gopher for those rebuilding the houses and businesses.

    Pretty sure he has zero skills (thus, the gopher) – he was in government…

  2. “he worried that people would go “mountainside” if they heard the sirens.”

    Going “mountainside” would have been worse than burning up in houses?

    I think going “anywhere” would have been a better option than laying on the couch.

  3. …suggested course of action…

    ” But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”
    Ezekiel 33:6

  4. Bigger picture. Who paid him to ignore emergency protocols? The guy played his part now he will disappear, maybe permanently. He’s probably first of a number of rat bastards who will resign. They didn’t do their jobs and causing a massive death count – on purpose.

    This disaster was planned and executed by some covert operators who needed Maui uninhabitable and rebuilt in the image of a climate change utopia or “a test…this is only a test” for the purpose of determining the fastest way to devastate a region to gain nefarious control. Very suspicious circumstances concerning the Maui fire disaster.

  5. Did I hear correctly that the police chief on Maui had previously been the incident commander at the Las Vegas massacre? I also saw that Oprah offered to buy the burned out properties,,,” Lebensraum”?


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