Trump Cancels Monday Presser on Georgia Election Fraud – IOTW Report

Trump Cancels Monday Presser on Georgia Election Fraud

Trump posted on Truth Social, “Rather than releasing the Report on the Rigged & Stolen Georgia 2020 Presidential Election on Monday, my lawyers would prefer putting this, I believe, Irrefutable & Overwhelming evidence of Election Fraud & Irregularities in formal Legal Filings as we fight to dismiss this disgraceful Indictment by a publicity & campaign finance seeking D.A., who sadly presides over a record breaking Murder & Violent Crime area, Atlanta. Therefore, the News Conference is no longer necessary!”

47 Comments on Trump Cancels Monday Presser on Georgia Election Fraud

  1. Seconding Goldenfoxx’s comment above, the smartest thing he could do now is to get out of the spotlight; play more golf, spend more time with family, and redouble any efforts made to show gratitude to Melania for sticking with him. In fact, he should go on some family vacations, considering that starting early next year he will be in some courtroom somewhere every weekday until election day.

    His underlings can keep the political fires stoked. He faces an uncertain future, live life now with those that he loves.

  2. I can’t think of a man that’s ever had more pressure put on him. Basically he has every branch of the U.S. Government conspiring against him. I have no idea how he’s holding it together.

  3. “I can’t think of a man that’s ever had more pressure put on him. Basically he has every branch of the U.S. Government conspiring against him. I have no idea how he’s holding it together.”


  4. “Needs to move state charges to federal court”. That is a fallacy. Wet dream. The criteria needed, that the said charges were an act in professional capacity of ones job. Trying to overthrow votes in a state & manipulate/replace electors with fake one hardly falls under the duty of ones job. Committing criminal acts in office has consequences.

  5. Another anon with a bad take, imagine that?

    Trump’s job does indeed demand that he defend the constitution.
    It was part of his oath of office.
    That includes American’s Civil Rights.
    So if our rights are deprived by disenfranchising our legitimate votes by fraudulent acts, he is REQUIRED to intervene.

  6. Talking about Joe Biden, of course not. First proof of a crime or crimes would be needed.
    Not meaningless hearsay. So far Comey has found none. That presents the problem, because republicans in independent voter districts most likely would lose re-election in those districts. If a crimeless impeachment is brought forth.

  7. Committing crimes while in office is not part of ones official duties, unless your a republican who wants to go to prison. Look it up, more republicans have been incarcerated than democrats.
    Your funny thought, defending your loser, who will end up in prison.

  8. He is REQUIRED to intervene? No he is not, that is not part of his duties. Good thingy your not on of his councel/Donny’s spelling. That argument will lose in court.

  9. “No he is not, that is not part of his duties”

    You’re a Fing idiot. It’s his sworn duty to make sure the Constitution is followed. Fixing an election is unconstitutional.

  10. Where the heck do these anons come from? I’ve read and heard actual attorneys who know what they’re talking about say he can and should have it moved to a federal court.

    I honestly do not understand people, I’m not in Trump’s camp, I’ve stated many times I can’t trust him because of covid Trump and jab Trump. However, I can still see he broke no laws and that this is a banana republic. Biden and his son committed treason and not a damn thing is being done about it.
    I’m also not a brain dead freaking idiot who can’t see if they can do this to Trump what the hell do you think they can and will do to you.

    Before anyone gets their panties in a twist that I hate Trump, no, I no longer trust Trump, big difference. Don’t trust Desantis either because I don’t like who is advising him. The rest of the crackpots I refuse to vote for. So out of all of them those two are the only two I will vote for and I won’t be voting in a primary because I’m registered as Independent and have been since after the 2020 election.

  11. Ah the old “I don’t like who is advising him” canard.
    Good grief!
    No wonder we lose.
    We deserve to lose!
    We get what we deserve in the end, the fires of hell.
    4 more years of democrat rule because someone said someone is advising someone.

  12. All over the map, like announcing a press conference for Monday and then backing down?
    Or how about I will attend the debate, no I won’t, I’ll turn myself in that day, no I won’t, I’ll go on Tucker because I’m a toddler who cannot stand up to the competition…

  13. From the WSJ:
    Democrats, the press corps and Mr. Trump all want Mr. Trump to be the GOP nominee, which is why they’re all suggesting the race is already over. But he’s fallen somewhat recently in the polls, and about half of his current supporters say they’d consider someone else. More Republicans are also saying they don’t want him as the nominee if he’s convicted of a crime.

  14. Yep, I certainly remember Carl? going after Disney, Woke Inc, BLM, teachers unions, DEI, WEF, defund the police, Soros DA’s, drag queen story hour, LGBTQ Mafia, illegal immigration, taxes, tolls, biden* admin, Fauci, the CDC, DEA, FBI, DOJ, voter fraud, 1619 project, and the EPA.

    All conservatives remember Carl doing just that…

  15. I can dig up a dozen vids of DeSantis blasting the DOJ about Mar-A-Lago and their mistreatment of Trump.
    You are in your echo chamber so I won’t bother.

    BTW, who else besides DeSantis and Vivek have pledged to pardon Trump?

  16. But the dumbest thing RDS has done TO date was to claim Trump expanded the deep state. His word while on the Ingraham Angle. Yea, we’re going to buy that. Pretty desperate shit. Guys a DFL, and that’s why he’s dropping in the polls. 46 points behind the front runner by the way.

  17. Loco, I was leaning towards Desantis until he started surrounding himself with shitty people and has shitty people advising him. The bs about why we always lose, we always lose because we elect people like Bush and Romney. Spineless idiots who actually play for the other team.
    Trump allowed those kind of people in his administration, he made some really bad mistakes, Wray and Barr being the worst two. Covid Trump though started making me distrust him, jab Trump really did a number on my trust.

    Now my hope for Desantis is that Desantis would act like Governor Desantis. My hope for Trump is that he learned a lesson and would go scorched earth if he got back in. They’re the only two imo in the field that is running that aren’t total pieces of shit.

    That’s why I don’t get involved with the Desantis vs Trump stuff. One thing I’m not is a follower or a hypocrite, what I say online is the same as I say in private conversations. I think for myself, my opinions and my beliefs are my own.

  18. Mark Meadows has a slime chance of moving to a Federal court. This is been reported Mark’s first action. Best to see how this works out for Mark first. If Mark is denied so will Donny be denied, his crime boss. Rico, charges because their actions mirror mob crimes.

  19. 2 things:

    1st thing: POTUS Trump put former VP Mike Pence in charge of the WH Covid Response team. Pence was the Executive’s “Covid Czar”. For something as urgent and dire as a global pandemic, who can say with 100% honesty that either Pence or Trump “should have known” not to trust Fauci and Birx? Sure, the CDC/NIH/Et Al’s lies about Covid19 are all glaringly obvious in hindsight, but it would have been absurd to suspect them over the first year and a half of Covid. And why should Trump carry the blame for thorough corruption throughout pharma and the U.S.D.A.?

    2nd thing: I wouldn’t worry about Trump’s ability to weather the corrupt actors bearing down. He’s been through something just as harrowing and then wrote a book about it: “The Art Of The Comeback”. It’s been reported that it had been selling on Amazon for $900./copy. LOL!

    If by some foul way one could collect all the desperation sweat from everyone wanting Trump gone, it would fill about 1,500 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Maybe more.


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