Welcome to the Circus: Georgia in the Ring – IOTW Report

Welcome to the Circus: Georgia in the Ring

American Conservative: On Monday, August 14, 2023, the Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis, filed a list of criminal charges against Donald Trump, proving conclusively that a grand jury of the state had voted that there was probable cause that Trump had violated state law related to his investigation into the 2020 presidential election.

Except—oops! The grand jury had not voted yet, and the filing was in error. The following day the grand jury in Fulton County voted, obediently rubber-stamping Willis’s claims (“I could indict a ham sandwich,” as Brooklyn United States Attorney Thomas Puccio famously said), and she trotted back to the podium to crow.

So, what next? First, Trump’s attorneys undoubtedly have to consider various options related to the public accusation that Trump was indicted prior to the grand jury even finishing deliberations, much less voting. Is this a type of defamation? Does this prejudice any jury? Is this grounds to dismiss the indictment, or grounds for appeal? I am skeptical of all of these claims, but the screw-up does obviously make Willis and her office look like a bunch of clowns. One thing we do know: We will never discover why the filing was made.

Second, what specific process will we see in coming days? This is now the fourth criminal indictment against Trump, the others being the Alvin Bragg New York state 34-count business crimes indictment, the 37-count federal prosecution in Miami related to “mishandling” classified documents, and the federal Jack Smith four-count “conspiracy to do politics” indictment. But in those three prior cases, Trump was spared the “ordinary” process of being handcuffed and booked and held in custody prior to an arraignment. In the deep South, however, they love a circus (clowns, remember?) and it is highly likely prosecutors will insist Trump be handcuffed and his mugshot taken. The Democratic fundraising opportunities are just too good.

Frankly, the only reason for this “ordinary” process is managerial: The sheer volume of perps in a weekend lockup justifies a system for holding individuals in custody temporarily while they wait for a judge to take an initial look at their case and determine conditions of pretrial release. With Trump, however, the man is not a flight risk (he’s running for president, remember?), and his case is extremely easy: There is literally no reason to put him in a prison jumper, take a mugshot, and hold him for any period of time. In fact, doing so is a waste of state resources, but it’s Georgia, so why not? more

15 Comments on Welcome to the Circus: Georgia in the Ring

  1. From above: “So, what next?”

    I’ll tell you what should be. The DA indicted on Federal charges of collusion and conspiracy (with staffers in her office) to deprive a Citizen of their First Amendment rights. Then an Indictment of everyone on the Grand Jury that returned the True Bill. Because ignorance of the law is not an affirmative defense.

    Did not one asshole on that Grand Jury ask the DA to show where the allegations made were at odds with State or Federal law? To show where the debarkation from freedom of speech to criminal act occurred?

    I don’t know whom to be more angry at, a politically motivated piece of shit DA or the willfully compliant ignorant members of the Jury.

    If you sit a Jury, of any sort, you hold the ultimate power between a government and the citizen. Don’t fuck that up because you don’t know what you are capable of.

    That said, in Fulton County, that jury was likely cherry picked. Democrats and Idiots. But I repeat myself.

  2. She really is very smug about all this. She seems to have a difficult time not grinning while talking about her bs indictments.
    That smile will end up being wiped off her face I do believe.
    And that stupid girl’s who is the foreman of the jury.

  3. 1st Amendment has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with this. You don’t wanna do time, don’t commit the crime. 1st Amendment doesn’t allow Anyone to break or commit crimes.

  4. “The following day the grand jury in Fulton County voted, obediently rubber-stamping Willis’s claims …”

    Let me guess …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The more negros I see on TV and the more negros I see in positions of power within the government, the more America is suffering. They will destroy every good and decent thing that exists because that’s just what they do.


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