Do You Share A Birth Day With This Man? – IOTW Report

Do You Share A Birth Day With This Man?

Well then, “Ah feel yur pain…”

Let’s give him more “pain,”
and give our very own Birthday Girl, Illustr8r, a whole bunch of love!

42 Comments on Do You Share A Birth Day With This Man?

  1. May the Lord bless and strengthen you to the challenges of the coming year, give you joy in this life and his Blessed Assurance of eternity in His arms in the next, and the health and hardiness to occupy with that which you love in the meantime until you lay your trophies down at the last.

    Happy Birthday, Illustr8r!

    God Bless,

  2. Happy Birthday Illustrator! Weren’t you 21 last year, and the year before, and the year before that? HMMMMMMM. Are you pulling a Jack Benny on us?

    As for Bill Clinton, I will not even wish him a happy bidet (b-day).


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