MTG’s ex-husband details 2020 election incident in Georgia – IOTW Report

MTG’s ex-husband details 2020 election incident in Georgia

JTN: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-Ga.) ex-husband alleges there was voter fraud in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election after he and other voters were told that they had already voted, despite none of them casting their ballots.

On Wednesday, Greene posted on her account on X, the platform previously called Twitter, about how her then-husband, Perry Greene, went to cast a ballot at a polling station in the 2020 general election but was told that he had already voted absentee. However, she said, he had not requested a mail-in absentee ballot for that election. Greene also claimed the same happened to other voters in that polling station.

Greene wrote in her post that she and her then-husband told the story “and were both called liars, until we FOIA’d the documents” and could provide the documentation to prove what happened. She provided records to Just the News on Thursday. more

77 Comments on MTG’s ex-husband details 2020 election incident in Georgia

  1. It was going on all over the Country. Our precinct’s tabulator was down… they had one job to do right? The woman at the tabulator suggested we just slide our ballots in a box and she would see that they were fed through the tabulator when they got it up and running…. I walked out in disgust and was followed by bout 25 others who were not going to play.
    * Tiny rural pecinct.

  2. it doesn’t matter anymore. If such an incident occured ( and I have no doubt that it did) and the election results still stand and no one went to jail or was brought up on charges then america is finished. just enjoy whatever time is left for this country unfortunately.

  3. In Nevada they send ballots automatically to every registered voter.
    When you get a Nevada ID they push like crazy for you to register to vote.
    They seriously coerce you to.

    For the 2022 election I did not receive a ballot in the mail.
    I told the woman at my precinct and she said “that’s OK, it happens a lot.”
    Not an encouraging answer.
    My mailed ballot likely got harvested, filled out for the dems, mailed back and probably counted or it cancelled out mine?
    I have zero faith in Nevada elections.

  4. BTW, who is jail or on trial for helping steal or rig the 2020 election?

    Any riggers in trouble at all?

    “But but, we all know blah blah blah”

    This post is about shenanigans that went on in 2020.
    Was it a fair election?
    Of course not.

  5. From the article:
    Mike Hassinger, a public information officer with the Georgia secretary of state’s office said in a statement on Thursday, “According to our records, this is obviously a county-level error, which the county addressed publicly in their previous statements. Floyd County made many mistakes during the 2020 election which is why our office called for their director to resign.”

    So, they made the asshole resign.
    Big deal.

  6. @Loco….
    Asked and answered, at least half a dozen times here. I will give you the short version because my book is calling to me. No, I don’t think that is a legitimate count. Do I think the election was rigged? Yes, for all the reasons already alluded to. Do I think it was “stolen”? Probably not, despite all the crazy accusations about Dominion voting machines. OOOOhhh Ooohh OOOhhh call on me teacher!

    Rigged = Trump funded* (yes, he did) covid rules regarding voting that allowed harvesting, no signatures, no diligence, etc that meant a free for all in voting.

    Stolen = a conspiracy to CHANGE existing votes via tabulating machines or other peripherals.

    First quote is Rich’s. Second quote is Loco’s……There ya go….the Bailiff abides….

    Now, was the 2020 Presidential rigged or stolen?…doesn’t matter as they mean the same thing….You SAID IT…

  7. All politicians say voting is the most important thing a citizen can do, but when allegations of fraud are raised the response is “trust us, the vote was true.” No, I don’t trust politicians and if credible allegations of fraud are raised, then the least the government can do is investigate.

    In every election, fraud will be present. The question is actually whether or not there was sufficient fraud to sway the results, and the fact that the government has blocked efforts to investigate fraud and the media has covered up these allegations indicates to me that the fraud was substantial and the powers that be either participated or were aware of it. If voting is so critical, there is simply no reason to not investigate.

  8. It seems Willys posted this same bullshit as anonymous on the DeSantis bashing thread by mistake.
    It’s OK, don’t be too hard on him, he ain’t too bright…
    I will respond as I did there:

    Look everybody, Willys took quotes from me & Rich? I suppose, and put them together.
    Presumably to prove a point???

    I sure hope Willys posts his proof that the election was indeed “stolen.”
    I’m waiting…

    See, Willys, you may be from China or another hell-hole country, but in the good old US of A we require PROOF for a conviction.
    Surely you can provide proof?
    I’m going to need that Kraken OK…

  9. Trump go 74 million votes. A record. Biden supposedly received 81 million votes. For a total of 155 million votes. At the time, I checked the next day, it was being reported we had 133 million registered voters. Ironically if you search now the first thing that pops up is Snopes claiming we had 155 million. So for the sake of argument lets use Snopes number. That would mean we had 100% voter turn out which we all know is bull shit. So what’s the average turn out? If you search there’s a couple sights claiming that in 2020 we had a 69.7 % turnout. Which we know is impossible. Average turn out for a Presidential Election in recent times is right at 50%. Which would mean they cheated by 50% of the vote. That’s why they paused the counting at 11:45 PM Pacific Time. They had to go fabricate a shit load more votes. No thinking person could possibly draw any other conclusion that the Constitution was circumvented and we now have a hostile coup running or country.

  10. I posted definitions in this context of rigged & stolen.

    My inquiry from above still stands.
    “anon & Willys, please post direct quotes from me saying such things. ”

    If you have PROOF of stolen elections don’t keep it to yourself Willys.

  11. I agree Brad that the voter turnout numbers need to be investigated.
    Down-ballot votes as well.
    If a senator or judge on the same ballot got anywhere near the presidential numbers?
    Of course some idiots just vote for president alone but I would guess not too many.
    How many ballots had all votes down-ballot for Republicans but voted for biden*?

    I remember Florida keeping the 2000 ballots in warehouses for years and when they wanted to get rid of them the dems howled.
    We need all states to have paper ballots that can be audited afterwards, for years even.
    I know, a pipe dream…

  12. It’s a simple question Loco….Was the 2020 Presidential election rigged and or stolen?….Rich says it’s not one but might be the other. You defined rigged and also stolen. I provided the Webster’s version of what both mean to you and they are one and the same. So, let me ask once again but I’ll type slower…..WAS THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION STOLEN AND OR RIGGED?…

  13. @ Brad….Loco is a hopeless fancy dancer who thinks the rest of us are linguistically challenged. He won’t answer direct questions nor speculate on the hypothetical when it doesn’t fit his narrative. I’m done…..The Bailiff will no longer abide his horseshit….

  14. @Willy’s

    The onus is on you to prove it. Repeating the same old tired nonsense about ,”81 million votes, no way Jose, it must have been stolen” is NOT proof of anything except your desperation.

    Biden won by 7 million votes, please bring receipts for the claim that 1)He did not get those votes fairly, and 2) the election was “stolen”.

    Or are you still holding on to the notion that Dominion voting machines magically switched Trump votes over to Biden?

  15. The skeptic in me believes that the only reason you guys want to rehash 2020 is to prepare the soil for 2024, when the spread will be even larger, providing some cover for ,”Dang it, those guys did it again”.

  16. @ Rich……..”No, I don’t think that is a legitimate count. Do I think the election was rigged? Yes, for all the reasons already alluded to. Do I think it was “stolen”? Probably not, despite all the crazy accusations about Dominion voting machines.”…….Did you type this Rich?….Did I read, copy and paste your comment incorrectly?….Last question for Rich….What is the difference of rigged or stolen?….go ahead and look up the definitions in Websters….

  17. And since the consensus opinion here is TINVOWOOT, which essentially says that the voting process is contaminated beyond repair as to render it meaningless, why all the hub-bub over who the nominee is or how far RDS is behind, voting does not matter, right?

  18. The fact is, if you go down the “it was stolen” or even “it was rigged” road, the onus of proof is on you.
    That concrete proof is hard to expose at this point.
    It gets muddled if you start talking numbers and people tune out.
    Plus, claims against Dominion can put you in the poor house.

    It’s much better to point out all the ballot harvesting, unrequested mail-in ballots, lack of signature checking, election law violations, rule suspensions due to covid, and irregularities such as what MTG was talking about.
    In addition, suppression of free speech on social media, Trump being censored, the Hunter laptop, Zuckerbucks, etc.

    Saying it was an unfair election is something the majority of Americans agree with.
    The 2020 election was totally unfair.

    Saying it was stolen or rigged gets 100% pushback from the MSM and then your message is lost.
    Say “The 2020 election was contested unfairly.”
    If the MSM pushes back, list all the things I wrote above…

  19. “I agree Brad that the voter turnout numbers need to be investigated.”

    Are you kidding me? It was stolen, pilfered, any tag you want to put on it. The numbers I present are easy to verify. It was mathematically impossible for Captain brain dead to get that many votes. In fact if you go by Snopes numbers they’re still short a couple million voters. I don’t think any body with a reasonable thought process could see it any other way.
    I really don’t care why you want to resist calling it what it is, but for the rest of you those number are their numbers.

  20. “The media “rigged” the election, but it did not “steal” it. If you honestly can’t distinguish the difference then the is no hope for you”

    What does this have to do with the media and who gives a fuck????

  21. “The skeptic in me believes that the only reason you guys want to rehash 2020 is to prepare the soil for 2024,”

    That’s about the dumbest thing I’ve seen roll across my computer screen in a while. Patriots main concern is how to stop what happened in 2020 happen again in 2024. You come across like some damn establishment hack. I mean that statement just screams you’re not invested, at all, in what’s best for this country. Having an electoral process that NOBODY trusts is probably not optimal.

  22. @ Loco. and I guess Rich..I didn’t ask the “media” whether the 2020 Presidential election was rigged or stolen. I asked you!….How in the fuck do you guys buy a sandwich at Subway?….Post an opinion….once again ( It’s simple Senator Loco and Rich)….I’ll type slowly again…..WAS THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION RIGGED AND OR STOLEN?……It’s a YES OR NO QUESTION….Go ahead and stick your hand down your pants to see if you still got balls enough to offer an opinion…..

  23. Al Capone went to prison for tax evasion.
    Yes, he was a murderous letch and everyone knew it.
    However concrete proof was hard to come by.
    Witnesses suffered Arkancide decades before Hillary came along.
    Therefore the prosecutors went with the MORE EASILY PROVABLE LESSER CHARGE.

    See, “unfair election” is “tax evasion” in this instance.
    I’m glad we could have this chat.

  24. ^^^^^^

    They change that crap like most people change their underwear. Now do even a 60% turnout. It didn’t happen. You can’t get there even by their numbers. Not even close.

  25. Brad, I thought we had a gentlemen’s (Well, one gentleman and one morally bereft wanker) agreement not to “address” each other? you couldn’t even make it a whole week before breaching, I knew it.

    “Patriots main concern is how to stop what happened in 2020 happen again in 2024.”

    So I guess you aren’t TINVOWOOT after all since now you are concerned about the voting process, pick a damn side forchrissakes.

    OK, so what are YOU doing to make sure the process does not repeat itself? What is anyone doing? What steps do you suggest to implement to make the process fair? Put on that thinking cap and let’s hear it.

    I know you reset your brain every night at midnight and forget shit but we’ve had a number of discussions right here about playing by their rules, by out-Salinkying those guys, by embracing the new-normal in voting and working with it instead of bitching about the process on the sidelines and always losing.

    We have smart people on our side that should be able to figure it out. I just want an even playing field, that’s all.

  26. “Brad, I thought we had a gentlemen’s (Well, one gentleman and one morally bereft wanker) agreement not to “address” each other? yo”

    I’m am wondering. How many times has that mouth got yours ass kicked up around your ears. You seem like a slow learner.

    I’ll do better ignoring you.

  27. TRF

    We have two people here that claim the election wasn’t stolen. I just provided mathematical evidence that would cast serious doubt on that claim. You want me to shut up, fine I’ll shut up.

  28. Brad just provided mathematical evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.
    Now would someone please drop all charges against Trump and remove that biden* asshole from the White House.
    Or vacation, wherever the fuck he is…

  29. “Maybe snopes, but the other site, no. When one checks yuge numbers like these, YOU need multiple sources.”

    I did. Including a Gov sight that provided voter turn out for Presidential elections from the turn of the century until present day.

  30. “I’ll do better ignoring you.”

    That would be preferable, I just want to know what the rules are. If I comment on one of your comments and you promise not to binge drink yourself into a stupor or lapse into a melancholy fit of paranoia, we can work something out.

  31. I’ll admit that you’re both tough customers that believe in their positions, but at some point there should be some common ground. Sometimes it seems like the argument here is “if a tree falls in the forest, it doesn’t make any noise if you can’t prove it in court”
    Well whether it’s called “mistakes” or “errors” or a “fart in a hurricane” it happened, it was intentional and by any other name it’s called Fraud!
    Anything else is just arguing over the crumbs!

  32. Loco….I quoted you verbatim…copy and paste, abra cadabra….POOF…..Now answer the questions and opinions I asked you for…..Aw, hell, that’s no use…..I’ve seen you do the same thing with BFH and he spanked you like a naughty rhesus monkey….

  33. It’s time for straight, white Christian men to show this world how to riot. Sorry girls but you are going to have to sit this one out. This world needs to be manhandled back into shape. There isn’t enough room on the planet for Christianity and the left. We need to go to war – now.

  34. willys, you seem to have bee wedge firmly in your bonnet for some reason?
    I post here quite frequently.
    All of my opinions laid bare for all to see.
    If you can’t figure out my position then perhaps reading comprehension is simply not your bag.

    BTW, I wrote a couple of very clever posts on this thread.
    Real humdingers!
    I suggest you go back and read them.

  35. Rigged means the voting systems and rules were established specifically to favor Biden
    Stolen means that in spite of said rigging Trump still won but this victory was snatched with fake votes and vote switching and what not.

    Both obviously illegal and certainly unfair and dishonest.

    Did I get the difference right or am I just a sodomite?

  36. ^^^^ ain’t that sweet Loco….you finally admitted that the 2020 election was rigged and or stolen….Why was that so hard?…oh yeah ego…your ego….schmuck….

  37. willys, Did I just say the election was rigged and/or stolen?
    I have re-read my comment and it’s just not there.

    BTW, I have been saying biden* was illegitimate for years on this site.
    The election was unfairly contested.
    I listed the reasons in a comment earlier today.

    You cannot really be that dumb?
    Well, I suppose you are.

  38. “If you can’t figure out my position then perhaps reading comprehension is simply not your bag.”

    I’m betting on memory issues. Much like the other guy, his brain resets at midnight, cranial flush. He seems rather taken with himself with the fact that I will not answer his question, the same question he asked last night which I answered twice already. But I guess he forgot.

  39. “I’m betting on memory issues. Much like the other guy, his brain”

    OK asshole, just keep running you mouth. You’re a real Key Board Tuff guy aren’t you. As soon as you start losing an argument you jump right to personal insults. It’s getting really boring.
    The entire reason you can find what’s gone on with our electoral system acceptable is that all you’ve ever worked for are bureaucracies you’re entire working life. The fact you married rich is proof God takes care of fools.

  40. OK Loco…I’ll play…..If you say that the 2020 Presidential election was illegitimate, what was it?….rigged or stolen or both?….C’mon puddin’,you can say the words….It’s like making dookie in the bowl and not in your pants..

  41. Willy, these two clowns are not worth raising your blood pressure. Every time I get through arguing with them, the first thing I do is shower, and then I realize they are exactly like every libtard I’ve ever met. I mean my God, they don’t really have any stead fast political beliefs. If they did they would actually state them. And they won’t.

  42. Brad, what makes you think I was talking about you and not Quintav’rius Lashawnity?

    6 months ago Willy’s and Brad were mortal enemies with Brad thumping his chest and calling Willys out to meet him at his gym. Now they are best buds, our work here is done.

    And TBH, I don’t understand the fascination you have with my wife, you keep bring her up. Yes, she is smart and pretty, and everything a guy could want, but your interest is just creepy. Maybe if you spent some time with your own wife, instead of pounding on your keyboard every single night, neglecting her, you would not be prone to fixating on the wife of another.

  43. @ Brad….I don’t worry about my blood pressure. Hell, Loco just admitted that he thought Biden was an illegitimate president…..He can only be illegitimate if the election was stolen or rigged….Stolen and or rigged are words that can’t go through Loco and Rich’s lips…
    Rich, Brad and I might be at each others throats again. He’d kick my ass most likely, but there seems to be a general understanding that we’re on the same side……Plus he couldn’t find me…few can and I’ll give you the address sort of…By that time I have the advantage….

  44. @ Brad….I don’t worry about my blood pressure. Hell, Loco just admitted that he thought Biden was an illegitimate president…..He can only be illegitimate if the election was stolen or rigged….Stolen and or rigged are words that can’t go through Loco and Rich’s lips…
    Rich, Brad and I might be at each others throats again. He’d kick my ass most likely, but there seems to be a general understanding that we’re on the same side……Plus he couldn’t find me…few can and I’ll give you the address sort of…By that time I have the advantage….

  45. “Brad, what makes you think I was talking about you”

    So are you in second grade? Or are you a big boy and in third?

    Has nothing to do with your wife. However I’m not to surprised you’d take it that way.

  46. “but there seems to be a general understanding that we’re on the same side”

    We are all on the same side, that’s why this bickering is so pointless.

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but what makes me so surly is the fact that the country I love is circling the shitter and there is little I can do.

    I don’t come here to fight but to engage, strategize and motivate fellow conservatives to come up with something we can use to fight the progressive agenda.

    Except for the occasional anon troll, everyone here wants the same thing.

  47. Brad, since you shit all over our gentleman’s agreement not to address the other and since insults seem to annoy you [cough] I propose another agreement, no more insults, from either of us. You game?

  48. Rich has an opportunity to clarify a subject thst I might have missed in his posts…..Answer the question again Rich, or lose all credibility. Is Joe Biden an illegitimate President?….

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