Catholic school system requires students to use biological pronouns and birth names – IOTW Report

Catholic school system requires students to use biological pronouns and birth names

JTN: A Massachusetts Catholic school system issued a new policy requiring students to use their biological pronouns and names given to them at birth in a move that will affect more than 5,000 students. 

The Diocese of Worcester, which is about 45 miles west of Boston, announced last week that Bishop Robert McManus earlier this summer approved a policy titled “Catholic Education and the Human Person” for all schools under its jurisdiction starting this fall.

The policy states: “Pope Francis has repeatedly stressed the importance of a proper understanding of our sexuality, warning of the challenge posed by ‘the various forms of an ideology of gender that denies the difference and reciprocity in nature of a man and a woman and envisages a society without sexual differences.'” more here

7 Comments on Catholic school system requires students to use biological pronouns and birth names

  1. As it should be, what the F is wrong with people anyway. If you don’t like your birth name, get it changed but stop going around thinking its cool to change your name every few weeks, and that doing it impresses your pals. Must be the same problem with people who visit the plastic surgeon when they don’t like the face in the mirror. Wake up stop with the make overs.


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